Biography Iwan FALS

Biography Iwan FALS
Iwan Fals whose full Virgiawan Listanto (born 3 September 1961 in Jakarta) is an homage to the ballad singer who became a living legend in Indonesia. Through his songs, Iwan describes the social atmosphere of the life of Indonesia (especially Jakarta) in the late 1970's to the present. The criticism of the behavior of a group of people (such as songs Representatives and Aunt Lisa), empathy for marginalized groups (eg track and Lonteku Spot Opposite the Palace), or the catastrophe that hit Indonesia (or sometimes outside Indonesia, such as songs Ethiopia) dominate theme songs that brings.

Through his songs, he photographed and socio-cultural life in the late 1970's to the present. The criticism of the behavior of a group of people (such as Representatives, Aunt Lisa), empathy for marginalized groups (such as Spot Opposite the palace, Lonteku), or a major disaster that hit Indonesia (or sometimes outside Indonesia, such as Ethiopia) dominate theme songs its merit. Iwan fals did not just sing his songs but also a number of other creators.

Iwan who also was active in sports, have earned a National Karate Champion II, IV Karate National Champion 1989, had entered the national training and practice karate on campus, STP (High School Publication). Iwan also became a tabloid columnist in several sports.

Iwan charisma of a very large FALS. He is highly revered by the 'grassroots'. Simplicity being a role model fans scattered throughout the archipelago. The fans Iwan FALS even established a foundation on August 16, 1999 called the Foundation for People Indonesia, commonly known by the call Oi. The Foundation embodies activities fans Iwan Fals. Until now branch offices can be found all over the Oi archipelago and some even to foreign countries.

Journey of Life

Iwan FALS childhood was spent in London, and then joined his brother in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for the past 8 months. Honed his musical talents when he was 13 years old, in which Iwan spent much time with singing in Bandung. Playing guitar since I was young did he even singing bergitar ability to train and create songs. While in junior high, glittering guitarist Iwan school choir.

Next, came an invitation to try his fortune in Jakarta from a producer. He then sold his motorcycle to the cost of creating the master. Iwan's first album recorded with his colleagues, Toto Gunarto, Helmi, Bambang Bule incorporated in Ambush. But the album failed in the market and Iwan went back to my profession as a musician.

Once can champion in country music festival, Iwan joined the song festivals humor. Spirits Setiawan (deceased), humorous songs belong Iwan was recorded with Pepeng, Krishna, Nana manuscript and produced by ABC Records. But it also failed and only consumed by certain circles. Until finally, a trip Iwan work with Musica Studio. Prior to Musica, Iwan has been recorded about 4-5 albums. In Musica, Iwan songs then worked more seriously. Bachelor album, for example, the music was handled by Willy Soemantri.

Iwan remained his profession as a musician. He was singing by visiting house to house, sometimes in the Market Surprised or Block M. Bachelor album was a lot of interest and Iwan started getting many offers to sing. Then got into television after 1987. Time arbitrary event broadcast on TVRI broadcast Commerce, Bakri Oemar song was aired on TVRI. When the second son Iwan, Ancestor born in 1985, was immediately stopped singing activities.

During the New Order, many concert schedule Iwan banned and canceled by the government, because the lyrics of the song are critical. On joining the group and released an album titled SWAMI SWAMI in 1989, the name Iwan soared, scoring hits Bento and Unloading phenomenal. FALS Iwan's career continued to rise when he joined the Cantata Takwa in 1990, supported fully by businessmen Setiawan Djodi. Cantata concerts Takwa then until now regarded as the biggest music concerts and grandest in the history of Indonesian music.


Iwan was born in Jakarta on 3 September 1961 from the couple Haryoso (father) (deceased) and Lies (mother). Iwan married Rosanna (Ma'am Josh) and had children Anarchy Signs Galang (deceased), Annie Ancestor Basae signs, and signs Robbani Rayya. Galang follow his father involved in the field of music. However, the music that he is playing is different from trade mark which has become a father. Galang later became guitarist of interest and had released one album before his death.

Name Galang also made one song Iwan, titled Anarchy Signs Galang Opinion on the album, which tells about the anxiety parents face rising commodity prices as the impact of rising fuel prices in early 1981 on the day of birth Galang (January 1, 1981). The root name as the second daughter was also immortalized as the title of the album and the title track Iwan Fals published in 1991.

Anarchy Signs Galang died in April 1997 of a sudden that makes musical activities Iwan FALS had a vacuum for a few years. Galang was buried in the yard Iwan Fals on Leuwinanggung Bogor West Java village about an hour's drive from Jakarta. After the death of Galang, Iwan often busied himself with painting and practicing martial arts.

In 2002 Iwan became active again after all this time to make the album alone with the advent of Conscience album in which there is a song that tells Face Only death Anarchy Signs Galang. In this song the wife Iwan fals (Josh) also contributed his voice. Iwan charisma of a very large FALS. Simplicity being a role model fans scattered throughout the archipelago. The fans Iwan FALS even established a foundation on August 16, 1999, called The Foundation for Indonesia or commonly known as Oi. The Foundation embodies activities fans Iwan Fals.
