Biography of Genghis Khan

Biography of Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan, the Mongol conqueror of the largest, born circa 1162. His father was a minor chieftain, named his son Temujin after he beat another chieftain. When Temujin was nine years old, his father was killed by a rival tribe, and afterwards member of surviving relatives who happened to be in the grip of fear and isolation. It's really a novice of a bitter life, and for Temujin even more before a change is better for him. When he was young at the age of adolescence, she captured in a battle against rival tribes.

To prevent his escape, a bamboo bracelet hung on its neck. From a state that does not look the way prisoners escaped in a primitive group of illiterate, from the parched land poor miserable, Temujin was able to rise to the strongest man in the world.

Rise stems from his efforts to escape from the custody of his opponent. Then he joined Toghril, close friend late father, a tribal chief who had ties ties in the area. The years that followed were filled with scuffles between tribes, Temujin inching struggle to the top.

Mongol tribes long famous horse riders and skilled warrior-warrior harsh unforgiving. Throughout their history incessant pounding northern China. But before Temujin emerged, ethnic Mongols infringe others like wasted energy. By combining the attitude of courage shrewdness, diplomacy, violence and the ability to organize, Temujin succeeded in uniting all the tribes under the leadership of Temujin, and in 1206 a major deliberation between Mongol tribes to label Temujin "Genghis Khan" which means "emperor of the universe." The military forces of Genghis Khan, the fearsome spearhead digalangnya addressed to the adjoining countries. First he berated the Hsi Hsia in northeast China and north China Chin Empire. When the battle strife arose between Genghis Khan and Shah Muhammad Khwarezm who ruled the kingdom of considerable magnitude in Persia and Central Asia. In 1219 Genghis Khan to move his forces confront Khwarezm Shah. Central Asia and the Persian empire was taken over and Khwarezm Shah Muhammad dihancurluluhkan. At the same time most of the Mongols invade Russia, Genghis Khan personally led troops invaded Afghanistan and northern India. He returned to Mongolia in 1225 and died there in 1227.

Shortly before Genghis Khan breathed his last, he asked that the son of the three, Ogadai, so a replacement set. This is a wise choice because Ogadai be a brilliant general the results of his own. Under his leadership, the Mongol invasion in China continue, completely mastering Russian, and stormed forward towards Europe. In 1241 the combined armies of Poland, Germany, Hungary completely beaten by the Mongol advance rapidly towards Budapest. But that year Ogadai died and the Mongols retreated from Europe, never to return again.

There are times when subtle vacant Mongol chiefs fighting each other about the reasons for the replacement head. But, while it was under two subsequent Khan (Mangu Khan and Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan both) people continue advancing Mongols persisted in Asia. Year 1279 the Mongols had mastered an empire the largest in history. Mastery of the region includes China, Russia, Central Asia, Persia and Southeast Asia as well. Army forward movement adds fruitful area stretches from Poland to northern India, and the power of Kublai Khan ended in Korea, Tibet, and parts of Southeast Asia.

An empire so vast a territory by itself is difficult to overcome through the transport system is still primitive. The result is absurd to maintain the integrity of the territory, and eventually empire was divided. But Mongol rule was still able to survive for many years. New Mongols largely dispelled from China in 1368. Instead, their power over the Russian regions last longer. "Castaways Gold," was the nickname commonly given to the empire of Genghis Khan's grandson named Stone was founded in Russia lasted until the 16th century and lasted until Khamate from the Crimea in 1783. Great-great-great-grandson of Genghis Khan established the other dynasties that dominate Central Asia and Persia. Both of these areas conquered in the 14th century by Tamerlane (Tamerlane), also bloody Mongol and claim descent Jengtis. Tamerlane dynasty ended in the 15th century. But although this is over does not mean conquests and Mongol domination had stop. Great-grandson of Tamerlane named Baber invaded and occupied India and founded the Mughal dynasty (Mongol). Mogul rulers, who controlled most of India still hold the reins of power until the middle of the 18th century.

In the course of history have been ensured control by human beings - people say "crazy" if you like - which has been able to conquer the world and successfully mastered. The most prominent of the "megalomaniac" is Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte and Hitler. What are the causes and what the reasons put four men in the top of the list in this book list? Is not the idea of ​​a more meaningful name than the army? I certainly agree that in the long run than the pens far has the power sword. Even in the short-term measure. Each of the four figures in the controlled area so vast and so many people and so much influence to instill some of his contemporaries, and they can not be called a kind face and set aside ordinary bandits.

What causes me to conclude Genghis Khan is more important than the three other figures? Some - of course - his influence spread to a wider area than other influences. And more importantly, the effect lasts much longer period of time. Defeated Napoleon and Hitler when both were still alive and short-term conquest. Although troops invincible Alexander the Great when he died, he never pointed his successor after his death and empiriumnya soon fall apart. However, Genghis Khan was able to organize its conquests were precise and neat, and both the children and grandchildren are all heirs of the firm. The Mongols continue mastery over vast areas of Asia for centuries after the death of Genghis Khan.

One indirect consequence of conquest by Genghis Khan store meaning. Mongol conquest coincided with the unification of most of developing Asia over the trade routes in the region than the previous state. And encourages the flow of trade between China and Europe. European traders such as Marco Polo is thus able to travel to China and came back with various way the story about how rich and prosperous China. Increased economic activities with the East and the increasing interest in China itself is one reason that tempt the Europeans to come seek fortune and East exploited.

One important fact: suppose Christopher Columbus, Simon Bolivar and Thomas Edison's mother was never born into the world, you can bet there are others who find the American continent, liberating Latin America, who invented the electric light. However, if Genghis Khan had never been born his mother, not going to the world witnessed the conquest so powerful and massive by the Mongols. Mongol tribes could never come together before the 13th century and now they can not be together anymore. Genghis Khan is thus no doubt that the key driver of the big acts in human history.
