Biography of Ibn Rushdi - Averrous

Ibn Rushdi was born in 1126 AD in Qurtubah (Cordoba) from a prominent noble family. His father was a lawyer who is quite influential in Cordoba, and many relatives who occupy important positions in government. Background kelauarga greatly affect the formation of the intellectual level in the future. Abul al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushdi, later better known as Ibn Rushdi or Averrous, was a very influential Muslim scholars in the 12th century and the next few centuries.

He is a philosopher who has contributed to integrate Islam with Greek thought tradition. Greatness as a thinker Ibn Rushdi is strongly influenced by the zeitgeist or spirit of his time. The 12th century and some of the previous century was a golden age for the development of science in the Muslim world, based in Peninsula Andalusia (Spain) under the Abbasid dynasty. The Muslim rulers of the time to support all the development of science, in fact they often orders the scientists to dig up the Greek intellectual legacy remains, so that the names of the great Greek scientists such as Aristotle, Plato, Phitagoras, or Euclid with his works still remain maintained until now.

Twists and turns of life's journey is very interesting thinker. Ibn Rushdi can be classified as a complete scientist. Aside from being a philosopher, he was also known as an expert in the field of medicine, literature, logic, sciences, in addition to being mastered too Islamic knowledge, especially in the interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith, or the field of law and jurisprudence. Even the greatest works in the medical field, namely Al Kuliyat Fil-Tibb or (Common Matters of Medical Sciences) has become a major reference in the field of medicine.

Extraordinary intelligence and deep understanding in many disciplines, cause he was appointed chief qadi or judges Cordoba, a position once held by his grandfather in the reign of al Almoravid dynasty in the prestigious Utara.Posisi Africa and of course a lot of people dream about. That position he held during the reign of Abu Ya'qub Yusuf Khalihaf and his son Caliph Abu Yusuf.

The most important of Ibn Rushdi progress in science is an attempt to translate and complete the works of Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle and Plato, who have influence over the centuries. Between the years 1169-1195, Ibn Rushdi wrote a commentary in terms of the works of Aristotle, as De Organon, De Anima, Phiysica, Metaphisica, De Partibus Animalia, Parna Naturalisi, Metodologica, Rhetorica, and Nichomachean Ethick. All comments belong to a Latin version of the complete works of Aristotle. His comments were very influential on the formation of the intellectual tradition of the Jews and the Christians.

Analysis has been able to present a complete Aristotle. He completes his study with menggunanakan classic comments from Themisius, Alexander of Aphiordisius, al Farabi with his Falasifah and commentary of Ibn Sina. Commentary on Aristotle experiments on natural sciences, showing a remarkable ability to generate an observation. [Sparks Faith Magazine 6 Year I December 2000]
