Biography of Jimi Hendrix - The Guitar Gods World

Biography of Jimi Hendrix - The Guitar Gods World
Johnny Allen Hendricks or Jimi Hendrix was born in King Country Hospital, Seattle, Washington on 27 November 1942, He was the eldest son of Alex Hendricks couples that Afro-Americans of Mexico and Lucille, a Cherokee Indian. Mother's name was a gift, which is then converted by the father to James Marshall Hendrix Hendricks at the 4-year-old. Her parents then separated when Jimi was three years old. His father Alex who worked as a janitor, his family with difficulty.

Small Jimi would often help his father sweep, and with a broom that he first styled like a guitarist. He often mimicked typical style duckwalk Chuck Berry. The father had often noticed the attitude of his son. In 1952, when Jimi was 10, his mother died. This makes Jimi was devastated and became a moody child. Alex as a devout religious believers, taught him to persevere. He is often invited Jimi to church and participate in the choir. But that apparently was not enough to entertain Jimi.

Because Jimi pity that never stop grieving, Jimi's father bought an acoustic guitar as a birthday present to-12. Guitar was bought from a friend of his father's was $ 5. Guitar strings arrangement was later reversed by Jimi left-handed, so he can play his guitar with his left hand plucking the strings, while the right dance on the fretboard. By playing guitar, Jimi began to forget the pain left by his mother. Moreover, three months later, Jimi bought again a Supro Ozark electric guitar 160S by Alex. Exploration music became more widespread with the guitar and Jimi formed the first band Velvetone.

During the teenage years that Jimi continue to practice playing the guitar. He was expelled from school Garfield High School because of the stubbornness interfere ceweq. After dropping out of school, he instead be more concerned to help his father. And of course he also has a lot more time to mengulik guitar. Jimi had a penchant for listening to albums of well-known blues musicians such as BB King, Elmore James and Muddy Waters, or the rock n 'rollers such as Chuck Berry and Eddie Cochran. The song 'Rock And Roll Music "by Chuck Berry, including the most frequently sung song Hendrix. Even then B.B. King paid tribute to him with their names immortalized Hendrix's mother, Lucille Gibsonnya on guitar.

Jimi began a career in music in 1960, when he became a member of a band called the Rocking Kings and began to frequent gigs at concert venues around Seattle. Although it has begun to attract the attention of music lovers, it does not seem to be showing its totality because a year later he even got the army and joined the army at Fort Ord, California. Then he was placed in the 101st Airborne Paratroopers at Fort Campbell, Kentucky as the army parachutist. When he met with Billy Cox, a black bass player who was well respected among blues musicians at the time. They had played in the army band.

Biography of Jimi Hendrix - The Guitar Gods World
Due to an ankle injury while jumping a to-26 time, Hendrix then asked to leave the force. Lessons learned from this incident then stated Hendrix --- like --- is he so did not need to participate in the Vietnam war that erupted a few years later. That's when he re-joined former colleagues formed the band and Bob Fisher & The Barnevilles. They then became the opening act for some musicians to tour America before Hendrix then moved to Vancouver, Canada.

In 1963, Hendrix moved back to Tennessee, and in his hometown of Elvis Presley, he played with the time series of the top names such as Little Richard, Hank Ballard and The Supremes. He also picked up two singles in his Lonnie Youngblood. Unfortunately, he did not have time to make cooperation with Elvis. But he often featured the hit of the king's, the 'Hound Dog' and even had time to record it anyway. Of course, with his own version of the full scream and growl, especially in the chorus.

Feel less able to develop his career, Hendrix moved again and this time to New York. In the city of Big Apple, he played along with the Isley Brothers, all in 1964, including for recording in the studio. He also collaborated with soul singer Curtis Knight. Knight later wrote the song "Ballad Of Jimi 'he wrote in 1965, after Jimi told him that he (Jimi) will be dead in five years. That year was also a member of the band Hendrix Little Richard and frequent companion on stage touring around New York, one of which is the Paramount Theater.

As supporting musicians, of course, are less able to expose Hendrix guitar playing abilities to the fullest. Even Little Richard had him take off his clothes were considered too flashy. And replace it with a dress that has been prepared for the musicians accompaniment. Being the second person must not hope Hendrix. Can not self-assertive and depressed with a small fee. Once when he was walking with his girlfriend Jeannette Jacobs, he pointed to the nice clothes in the window of a shop. He said to Jeannette, "If I were famous later on, I'll buy you a shirt like that." Jeannette smiled, not sure it will come true. Since that time Jimi itself only has two shirts, two pants and a pair of battered shoes.

In the following year, 1966, Hendrix began to find his true identity. He built his own band, Jimmy James & The Blue Flames. When playing at Café Wha? in Greenwich Village, New York in June, his performance was admired by Linda Keith. Linda's boyfriend Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, shortly after bringing the British group The Animals bassist, Chas Chandler. Chandler is also proposing to change the name Hendricks Hendrix. He then took Hendrix to develop his career in London.

Biography of Jimi Hendrix - The Guitar Gods World
To England? Place the warlords guitar? Hendrix had hesitated. In addition to Keith Richards, the UK's entrenched as the greatest guitarist George Harrison (The Beatles), Pete Townsend (The Who) and three graduate Yardbirds guitarists: Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton (Cream). Hendrix minder to meet with Richards and others. But tell Chandler he would like to also meet with Clapton. "There is no problem with Richards," said Chandler. "Her boyfriend alone recommending you," he added. "And if Clapton listen to your game, then he wants to see you." Chandler convinced Hendrix. And though it took five weeks to think, he finally agreed. So, after taking care of a variety of purposes, both journeyed to London.

Arriving in London on 24 September 1966, Hendrix is ​​still hesitant, Chandler invited to the café Zoot Money. In the cafe which is where the musicians hang out, Hendrix had a chance to jam session with local musicians. Finally --- after playing about two hours --- Hendrix finds her confidence and feel will fit in a career in the UK. Chandler then took Hendrix around from one place to another. He is quite popular with The Animals, many familiar with the musicians and club owners. It helped Jamie get a chance to perform. In Blaises club where Hendrix played, he was seen by Johnny Hallyday, who was a top singer in France. He then negotiated with Chandler discuss possible cooperation. Finally obtained the agreement, will open the concert Hendrix Johnny. But Hendrix had to have his own band.

In London, Chandler Hendrix then find two 'bodyguards' tough on drums and bass positions. He heard that the drummer Mitch Mitchell (born John Mitchell, June 9, 1947) out of Georgie Fame's Blue Flames. So direkrutlah Mitchell to fill the position. Staying bassist position is still vacant. At that moment, Noel Redding (born David Redding, December 25, 1945) who are auditioning to be the guitarist of The Animals, offered so players bass with Hendrix. Because the position of guitarist in the The Animals have been filled, and realize the competition is too tight as a guitar player, he agreed to become a bass player and accept the offer.

Mitchell was a child actor for TV commercials, before deciding to become a musician as a teenager. He really liked the drumming of Buddy Rich and Gene Kruppa. While Redding who graduated from art school, never played with the Modern Jazz Group and the Loving Kind. In September of this is actually new bandwagon Hendrix changed his name from Jimmy to be more modest, Jimi.

The three of them made the band the Jimi Hendrix Experience that then legendary. That was in October 1966. Moment where the real Hendrix career started. Their first appearance was when he was the opening act of the French singer Johnny Hallyday a gig at the Paris Olympia on the 18th of the same month. But after his performance in Paris, Hendrix greater need equipment. He needs a bigger amp to power stronger. So, Chandler was selling two of his bass --- Fender Precision and a Gibson EB --- to buy a Supro Marshall who later became his trademark Hendrix.

A month later they were --- for the first time since bertrio --- into the studio. They recorded the song 'Stone Free' and the creation Hendrix 'Hey Joe' by Billy Roberts and ever sung by Tim Rose. Both the song worked at De Lane Lea Studios, London. Unfortunately when they were still quiet gig offer. While they have to pay for live and studio rental. Once again, Chandler had to give up his bass collection. This time a Fender Jazz Bass and a Fender Precision sold. He was determined, this sacrifice must produce something great in the future.

Hope it little by little began to materialize. In November they played for four days in the Big Apple Club, Munich, Germany. Get paid 300 pounds, they began to make a living. And Chandler continue trying to get over the Jimi Hendrix Experience covered by the press. Hendrix et al. got a chance first press conference on the 25th of that month. Located at the club Bag O 'Nails, London, they display their usual repertoire bring. Including, of course, 'Hey Joe' and 'Stonefree'. The press responded positively their appearance.

Biography of Jimi Hendrix - The Guitar Gods World
Entering December, Hendrix signed a four-year contract with Yameta Company, an artist management company. Finally, the first single 'Hey Joe' was released by Polydor after previously rejected by Decca. The three of them then appeared on TV for the first time in late 1966. Unfortunately on New Year's Eve 1967, they did not get the offer stage. Fortunately, Redding has a good idea. He invites Hendrix and Mitchell played in his hometown of Folkestone, a small town near London. And he who has many relatives in the city without a lot of trouble getting a job.

They left the train in the cold weather. But that does not freeze the spirit they perform in the cafe Tofts. Moreover, parents Noel also provides a place to stay for those plus the manager. Their appearance at the cafe Tofts was at least enough to entertain themselves. Entering January 1967 the situation had begun to improve. Although it was 'forced' to play in small clubs like the Ram Jam and Ricky Tick, they still often get the chance to appear at the Scotch of St.Thomas and 7 ½ Club. Even sometimes in clubs located in White Horse Street, Mayfair, London, to the appearance watched by famous musicians such as Paul McCartney, Pete Townsend and Mick Jagger.

Top stars turned out to love it. They are often told the press, that they were amazed at the appearance of Hendrix. And it certainly is a big advantage for the publication and two sohibnya Hendrix. Since that time, the revelation of the Beatles, The Who and the Rolling Stones are 'mandatory meal' that must be believed by music lovers all over the world. Late last month, the Jimi Hendrix Experience performing at the Saville Theatre, London, in an opening group The Who. This opportunity was also obtained at the request of Townsend. Of course this is not wasted. And Hendrix also prove that they are worth to be taken into account.

Pete Townsend who was then a guitarist with a great stage act, the evening got 'rivals'. Know that Townsend will perform his trademark attractions such as playing guitar in the air, Hendrix did a great attraction. Stay with characteristics such as tooth wear pluck the strings, the strings rubbing her back or kicking guitar. But this time with a more aggressive style. In February, the single 'Hey Joe' climb at number six on the UK charts. Hendrix was more famous for its wild style.

The press also often expose it. Meanwhile, the three of them entered the studio again to finish the cultivation of a full album. The album was done at Olympic Studios, Barnes, London. Throughout the month of March that year, they held performances around Europe. Dimula in the Twenty Club in Mouscron, Belgium and the 20 Club, Lille, France and then proceed to the legendary club that also spawned the Beatles, the Star Club in Hamburg, Germany.

Back in the UK, the Jimi Hendrix Experience performed at the "Top Of The Pops" on BBC1-TV. When Kelling UK tour, they had the stage with Cat Steven, Walker Brothers and Engelbert Humperdinck. Jimi's aggressive style could make it hurt. When he set fire to his guitar, his follow-burning. He was rushed to the hospital.

Another unpleasant incident is when they run out to play in the New Century Hall, Manchester. They become victims of misdirected local police raids were minors. When want to get into a club, they are rejected. Noel and Mitch had drawn the police, they fought and got some punch. Jimi avoid treatment because it showed an American passport. Fortunately the situation can be resolved because the manager intervened.

Not long Hendrix recovered from his burns in May, the single 'Purple Haze' is released to the market. Had occupied the third place on the chart, the single was soon followed by his first album, Are You Experienced? The album was quickly seized the attention of music lovers the world and perched in second place on the chart for 33 weeks. Jimi Hendrix Experience held a European tour starting in Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany. Although the response of the audience was surprised to Germany as a cool, they were impressed with the knowledge of the German public about them. And also continues to tour Denmark, the Netherlands, France and the Scandinavian countries.

After the initial period with a strong rhythm blues - like the Stones Satisfaction works in principle is blues, says Keith Richard - the developing music that combines rock music and the performing arts. The flow begins with the world of pop artist Andy Warhol, who collaborated with The Velvet Underground. And is often called the peak in this period - which is also known as rock art - is the work of Pink Floyd The Wall, a rock theater. Jimi Hendrix died in London, England, 18 September 1970 at the age of 27 years.
