Biography of John Forbes Nash - mad scientist who won the Nobel

Biography of John Forbes Nash - mad scientist who won the Nobel
John Forbes Nash Jr. was born on June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia. His father was an electrical engineer and his mother worked as a school teacher before she married her husband. John grew up in a household that fostered loving genius. It was obvious at an early age that he likes to work independently, often playing alone. His father gave him a book for learning science, while his parents ensure that he received a good education. He was known as an eccentric in the school, given the dance, sports, and other social activities to be a distraction from his work in the scientific study and experimentation.

He became aware of intellectual superiority over his peers and develop a sense of pride and intense pride. His mother taught outside of school, so she missed a class. In his senior year of high school, John won the coveted Westinghouse scholarship, one of the ten given to the nation. He went to Carnegie Institute of Technology and, in 1948, graduated with a Master's degree after only three years. Though he planned to study chemical engineering, he quickly found the love of mathematics and a big change. Advisors to write a recommendation for him to say, "This man is a genius".

After graduation, John went straight to Princeton University, where he amazed his colleagues by developing a game called "Nash", which involves strategy and planning. The game took over the campus and John found himself making some friends.

Great achievements during his time at Princeton was to develop a theory of the "Nash Equilibrium", which applied to the Theory of Games. Prior to his theory, it was thought that the theory of games and competitions, everyone is fighting for their own interests. He developed the idea that for every player in a game, there is an ideal solution with respect to the other players actions. Despite the potential theory is not aware at the time, gained fame for decades.

John rarely attended class, insisting that it would ruin his originality. He is constantly looking for ways to establish itself in the field of mathematics to be the largest in the world of mathematics. He constantly walked through the hallway whistling Bach's "Little Fugue" and riding in a figure eight or infinity symbol on the campus quadrangle.

After he graduated with a Ph.D, John moved to Boston, where he became a prominent member of the faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was called the "son of Professor" by his students since he was very young, but he considers himself very elite. His partner was distracted by vanity, but tolerate it because of his genius. He quickly began making major discoveries in mathematics in areas such as geometry and differential equations parsial.Pada 1958, she was featured in Fortune Magazine as one of the brightest stars in the field of mathematics. However, he still thinks he failed because he had not reached the Fields medal, the highest award in mathematics.

While teaching at MIT, John met a woman named Eleanor Stier and then discovered that she was pregnant with his child. After birth, John refuses to admit that it was his son, but continued to have sex with him, even after he became romantically involved with a student named Alicia Larde. Alicia was a student at MIT and one of only sixteen women in a class of eight ratus.Pada In February 1957, he was married to Alicia and they had a son in 1959.

At this time, John's mental state began to deteriorate. It is estimated that psychotic breaks occur mainly from anxiety about his job and Alicia pregnancy. First his friends noticed a strange behavior when he arrived at the New Year's Eve party dressed as a baby and spent the whole night curled up in the lap of Alicia, sucking his thumb. In game theory, of course, he was appointed a graduate student to teach and disappeared for several weeks, suddenly appeared in public at MIT. There, he began to cry out that the stranger was sending encrypted messages via the New York Times. He also between classes to say that he was on the cover of LIFE magazine, posing as pope, and he knows this because twenty-Three prime favorite.

In college, he began to see many people wearing a tie merah.Ia think that these people are members of a secret communist organization and start watching them carefully. When the University of Chicago offered a prestigious position in their faculty, John refused, saying that he is slated to become the emperor of Antarctica. He talked to his colleagues about the aliens and secret government agencies working to destroy the credibility and reputation, it is very disturbing them. Mathematics department chairman John relieved of his teaching responsibilities, thinking that he was having a nervous breakdown.

Finally, John McLean was hospitalized at a private hospital near Boston. John's fear of being locked, thinking that he was not there. He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and was given Thorazine to calm him down. There psychoanalytic treatment and the doctors called it a "Professor".

After he was released, he resigned from MIT and recalled retired to move to Europe. In Europe, he was making every effort to release citizenship in the United States and claimed refugee status. Alicia followed her to Europe and had him deported back to the United States. Although he was flown back to the United States, he claimed that he had been put in chains and sent back in a boat, like a slave.

Back in the United States, John began to wander in Princeton, talking about himself in the third person, writing postcards weird, and talk endlessly about numerologi.Alicia took a job at Princeton and managed to support the family mereka.Dia convinced the faculty at Princeton for give him a small amount of work in mathematics in an effort to help him get back into the community. However, he refused to sign a form W-4 says that the government conspired against dia.Dia continue to make phone calls to family members using a fictitious name.

In 1961, John has been done by Alicia and her sisters to the Trenton State Hospital in New Jersey. There, he was subjected to insulin coma therapy, which involves injecting patients with insulin in bulk to save into a coma, often causing seizures. His colleagues in the math and writing angry letters to the hospital, urged doctors to protect his mind for the good of the people manusia.Dia discharged after six months of insulin treatment and looked very terrible to his family members.

Former colleagues at Princeton found him some research and he published a paper on fluid dynamics, his first work in four years. He went to Europe again, sending postcards to his family with odd cryptic messages and mathematics teorema.Dia returned shortly afterwards, looking rather haggard. Over time the idea of ​​a point of equilibrium in game theory eventually attracted the attention of the right and the foundation of modern economics. Economists mostly use these ideas to try to predict events in the economy dunia.Anggota Nobel committee finally decided to Nash's Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994, despite the concerns of her cause embarrassment besar.Orang are surprised that a person suffering from schizophrenia for many years to recover and receive the prestigious award.

He has remarried since Alicia and found that his own son is also suffering from schizophrenia. He also reconnected with his eldest son, John Stier. His life was immortalized in the film "A Beautiful Mind", the character played by Russell Crowe.
