Biography of Pharaoh Tutankhamun - Youngest Ruler Ancient Egyptian curse And The Famous

Most Famous Pharaoh Pharaoh Tutankhamun history ie, was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt 12. He ruled from 1334-1323 BC during the period known as the New Kingdom. His original name, Tutankhaten, means "Living Image of Aten", while Tutankhamun means "Living image of Amun". He may also Nibhurrereya of the Amarna letters. Historically, Tutankhamun was only moderate significance, especially as the man who manages the initial value Atenism worship back to the religion of the Ancient Egyptians.

In Tutankhamun's reign begin by the age of 9 years and is the king of ancient Egypt youngest in the history of Egypt, the great responsibility for his administration should also be assigned to the eventual successor, Ay. Nonetheless, Tutankhamun is the most famous pharaoh of the Pharaoh Egyptian pharaoh who mastered before, and only one to have a nickname in popular culture ("King Tut").

Discovery of his tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter received worldwide press coverage and sparked a new public interest in Ancient Egypt.

Tutankhamun was married to Ankhesenpaaten, daughter of Akhenaten is his own sister. Ankhesenpaaten also changed the name of the suffix 'ATEN' to end 'Amun', a Ankhesenamun. Within 3 years of the reign of Tutankhamun (1331 BC), when he was a boy about 11 and probably under the influence of two advisors older (especially vizier Akhenaten's Ay), a ban on the ranks of the old gods and their temples were raised, privileges traditional returned to their priesthood, and the capital of the kingdom was moved back to Thebes.

Young Pharaoh Tutankhamun also adopted the name, change of name was born Tutankhaten. Because of the age of the children was at the time the decision is made, it is generally thought that most if not all the responsibility for them falls on the vizier Ay and perhaps other advisors. Tutankhamun died at the age of 19 by a head injury. Many suspect that he was murdered. He was buried in the Valley of the Kings. Two mummified fetuses found in the coffin has been sealed by name. It is believed to have children who were born prematurely.

Cause of Death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

For two years, a number of scientists investigate mummies in the Egyptian king's 19-year-old to study blood and DNA. They found malaria parasites in their blood, as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Ever since Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, scientists uncover the speculation about the cause of death. Some scientists argue that the king was 19 years old was killed by a fall from his chariot and some have argued that he was actually murdered.

"Another important cause of death was acute malaria were found by DNA testing," said Dr. Zahi Hawass. But others say Tutankhamun suffered from a rare disease that attacked his family because he died at a very young age and left no heirs.

Malaria and diseases in the foot

Now it seems to be some speculation over after Egyptian archaeologists led by Dr. Zahi Hawass investigated the mummy of Tutankhamun and 10 other royal mummies for two years. Two of the mummies were examined using genetic fingerprint is thought to be the grandmother and father. The results of the investigation confirmed the possibility of King Tutankhamun suffered from hereditary form of the disease that attacks the leg bone called the Kohler II.

But the researchers also found traces of the malaria parasite in the blood that malaria concludes with wound on his leg that had not healed it has caused death.

"Another important cause of death was acute malaria were found by DNA testing., And in 2005 I found out that he had a wound on his left leg, and the wound was caused by an accident that happened a few hours before he died." Dr. Zahi Hawass

"So the King Tut died from malaria are acute. Now for the first time we can say that we have the mystery family's golden child, King Tut."

History of discovery of the Tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Howard Carter (1874 - 1939), was an archaeologist from London, England, who studied ancient Egyptian culture. There's no such consistent arkelog of Egypt except him. Because of Howard Carter became the only expert culture of Ancient Egypt's most skilled. In the course of his career and his life, Howard Carter studied the art of drawing and archeology. All it's doing since the age of 17 years has been "smelling" of Egypt. Then at the age of 25 years he has been entrusted to work on the Egyptian to perform excavation and restoration of the site, including the maintenance of ancient Egyptian artifacts. Until finally he obsessed with finding the tomb of one of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty known as Tutankhamun. Apparently this obsession to "hunt" the hardest and longest for life

Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb quest point is concentrated around the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank, near Luxor. For years, excavation and research done, but never sought the tomb was found. During the excavations he found only desert and if a little lucky there found such urns leading to the reign of Tutankhamen. The first ten years of excavations, recent progress is found only pieces of clothing and chunks of rock bearing the name of Tutankhamun and the trail that leads to the reign of the pharaoh was aged 18 years.

The entire team of the expedition was getting frustrated while many costs and financial supplies are very slim. But amid the frustration of his colleagues, Howard Carter remains optimistic that his estimates were correct that the Pharaoh Tutankhamun must have been buried in the valley. He believes that the tomb of the ruler of Thebes which unites ancient Egypt was exactly in the valley they were dug.

For the continuation of the expedition, he sees "sponsor" Lord Carnarvon. Nobles who love antique and antique mengultimatum Howard Carter that he could no longer support the expedition. But H Carter Carnarvon assured that he only needed one more chance. In early November 1922, H Carter began excavating last. Excavations carried out at one point that has not been touched before. At this location, he found such a complex where the slaves lived grave diggers and some other ancient artifacts.

When the excavation continues, a foreman named Ali reported the discovery of a stone staircase down around the complex. Excavation continued for two days and clear the stone staircase leads to a closed door. Lord Carnarvon was ditelegram informed that the door of the tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered. After Carnarvon arrived, two days later, the door to the tomb stones successfully opened. In it there is a hallway with a jumble of rocks decorated with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the wall next to the door.

Carter tried to open the door to sculpt stone facing. After shifting some rocks, he made a small hole. Of the gap, he put out the candle to peer into a dark room behind the door. What he saw amazed silence for a few moments. He has discovered the tomb he was looking for the last twenty years, the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun site is a great story in the history arkelog mengehbohkan period. This discovery has been named as the most stunning archaeological discovery in the 20th century.

The findings of the tomb complex complete with artifacts and treasures firauan still intact, mummy, websites, and all that was in the tomb was still sealed and never touched anyone after her funeral 3,300 years ago. When I first discovered the crypt space, H Carter saw that the room was covered with a yellow gold shimmer. In the room there are 4 holes each grave with a stone coffin in it.

The room was well organized with some flower pots, jewel throne throne, royal clothes, some household tool set, knives and guns, odd-shaped sculpture, and some treasure chests. Inside there is a mummy coffin was sealed with Tutankhamun's name. The casket was made up of three layers. And the last layer is made of pure gold plate engraved. Pharaoh's mummy was wrapped in a white shroud plated jewelry, the face covered jeweled gold mask, and in the chest in the colors garlands are still "fresh".

The findings of this pharaoh's tomb is the most comprehensive in history. Only one site (at the time) who have looted and touchable man. Until finally the expedition H Carter and Carnarvon find and unseal the pharaoh who was buried thousands of year.
