Jabir Ibn Hayyan Biography - Father of Modern Chemistry

Jabir Ibn Hayyan Biography - Father of Modern ChemistryThe grand old man known as "the father of modern chemistry." Jabir Ibn Hayyan (Arabic descent, although some people call it the Persian descent), is a Muslim who is an expert in the field of chemistry, pharmacy, physics, philosophy and astronomi.Jabir Ibn Hayyan (who lived in the 7th century) has been able to change the perception of events nature at the time it was considered as something that can not be predicted, become a science that can be understood and studied by humans. Discoveries in chemistry has been the foundation for the development of chemistry and modern chemical techniques today.

Jabir Ibn Hayyan had found hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, distillation techniques and crystallization techniques. He also found the solution of aqua regia (by combining hydrochloric acid and nitric acid) to dissolve the gold.

Jabir Ibn Hayyan able to apply his knowledge in the field of chemicals into the process of making iron and other metals, as well as rust prevention. He was also the first to apply the use of manganese dioxide in glass-making. Jabir Ibn Hayyan also first recorded wine warming will cause flammable gases. It is then gives way to the Al-Razi to find ethanol. If we know the metal and non-metal in the classification of compounds, then look at what was first done by Jabir. He proposed the following three groups of compounds:

1) "Spirits" that evaporates when heated, like camphor, arsenic and ammonium chloride.
2) "Metals" such as gold, silver, lead, copper and iron, and
3) "Stones" that can be converted into powder form.

Jabir Ibn Hayyan Biography - Father of Modern Chemistry
One of his most famous is: "The first essential in chemistry, is that you should perform practical work and conduct experiments, for he who performs not practical work nor makes experiments will never attain the least degree of mastery."

In the Middle Ages, Jabir studies on Alchemy translated into Latin, and became a standard textbook for European chemists. Some of them are Kitab al-Kimya (translated by Robert of Chester - 1144) and the Kitab al-Sab'een (translated by Gerard of Cremona - 1187). Some literary Jabir also by Marcelin Berthelot translated into several books entitled: Book of the Kingdom, Book of the Balances, and Book of Eastern Mercury. Some technical terms are found and used by Jabir also been part of the international scientific vocabulary, such as the term "alkali", etc.
