Dunia Barat Setelah Perang Dunia Kedua sampai tahun 1964
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Dalam Perang Dunia Kedua itu Eropa seluruhnya mengalami kerusakan material serta kemusnahan jiwa manusia yang sangat hebat.
Inggris telah menunjukkan ulet nya yang luar biasa. Ia ternyata dapat mempertahankan diri terhadap segala serangan tentara Jerman, juga terhadap senjata V1 dan V2. Angkatan Udaranya (Royal Air Force) terbukti dapat menggagalkan segala serangan Luftwaffe (Angkatan Udara Jerman masa Adolf Hitler) yang begitu di banggakan oleh Herman Goering itu. Akhirnya, setelah apda tahun 1944 pihak Sekutu dapat mengambil inisiatif dan mengadakan pendaratan di Normandia, tentara Inggris bersama dengan tentara Amerika Serikat memukul dan menggulung tentara Jerman, hingga tentara Jerman bertekuk lutut pada tanggal 7 Mei 1945. Namun, sungguhpun sudah terang bahwa Inggris akhirnya mencapai kemenangan dalam Perang Dunia Kedua itu, kerusakan dan kemusnahan yang dialaminya adalah demikian hebatnya, sehingga Inggris tidak lagi dapat timbul sebagai Negara kelas satu seperti Negara Amerika Serikat dan Uni Soviet. Tetapi bagaimana juga, Inggris termasuk salah satu dari negeri Big Five, yang mulai 1945 itu ikut “menguasai dunia”. Yaitu: Amerika Serikat, Uni Soviet, Inggris, Perancis dan Tiongkok.
Perancis juga masuk Big Five, meskipun tentaranya telah mengalami kekalahan yang sangat memalukan. Tetapi bangsa Perancis di Afrika dan di luar negeri kemudian dapat membentuk tentara nasional di bawah pimpinan Jenderal De Gaulle dan bangsa Perancis di dalam Negara berhasil menyusun suatu “tentara partisan” yaitu tentara “dibawah tanah” yang mengadakan perlawanan gerilya terhadap tentara Jerman. Tatkala Eisenhower melakukan pendaratan di Normandia pada tanggal 6 Juni 1944, tentara Nasional Perancis ikut serta dan tentara partisipan Perancis segera memperhebat kegiatannya dan menggabung kepada tentara Sekutu.
Negara Eropa lainnya: Norwegian, Denmark, Nederland, Belgia dan Luxemburg juga dimerdeka dan mendapat statusnya kembali sebagai Negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat.
Rakyat Italia di bawah pimpinan Badoglio pada tahun 1943 telah dapat mengusir pemerintah fasis Mussolini dan mengadakan perdamaian dengan Sekutu. Sebagian rakyat Italia telah membentuk tentara partisipan yang membantu Sekutu, mengusir tentara Jerman yang ada di Italia. Pada tahun 1944 Mussolini tertangkap oleh tentara partisipan yang anti fasis itu dan ditembak mati.
Kaum partisan Yugoslavia yang dibawah pimpinan Marsekal Tito selama Perand Dunia Kedua terus menerus mengadakan perlawanan sengit terhadap Jerman, setelah selesai perang, dapat merebut kekuasaan pemerintah. Pemerintah Yugoslavia itu sifatnya terang komunis. Partai Komunis Yugoslavia bahkan salah satu anggota yang ikut mendirikan Kominform dalam konferensi di Warsawa pada bulan September tahun 1947. Tetapi Tito ternyata juga nasionalis yang selalu memikirkan kepentingan tanah airnya, bahkan mengutamakan kepentingan Yugoslavia sendiri daripada keepntingan Moscow. Hal demikian sudah tentu bertentangan dengan dalil komunisme sehingga akhirnya Yugoslavia dikeluarkan dari Kominform. Titoism kemudian menjadi suatu aliran baru. Tito menamakan diri tetap “komunis” tetapi ia pertama mengutamakan kepentingan tanah airnya sendiri dengan demikian menyimpang dari komunis orthodox yang berpusat di Moskow.
Jerman yang mengalami kerusakan material dan demoralisasi yang paling hebat dalam Perang Dunia Kedua itu, pecah menjadi dua: Jerman Barat yang memihak kepada Blok Barat dan Jerman Timur yang dikuasai oleh Soviet, dan merupakan salah satu masalah yang paling gawat yang senantiasa membahayakan keamanan dunia. Di Jerman Barat dibentuk Republik Federal Jerman dengan ibukota Bonn pada bulan Mei 1949. Sebagai Presiden di pilih Theodor Hues tetapi kekuasaan terbesar ada di tangan Perdana Menteri Konrad Adenauer.
Untuk mengimbanginya maka di Jerman Timur didirkan Republik Demokrat Jerman dengan Wilhelm Pieck sebagai Presiden dan Otto Grotewohl sebagai Perdana Menteri (Oktober 1949).
Dalam pada itu Amerika Serikat mengalami kemajuan dengan pesat dan menjadi pemimpin Negara barat yang berasaskan demokrasi liberal. Dengan makin meruncingkan perang dingin antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur maka makin eratlah pula kerja sama antara Negara Barat. Di bawah pimpinan Amerika Serikat terbentuklah pada tahun 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) yakni suatu pakta militer antara negeri sekitar Laut Atlantik Utara: Inggris, Perancis, Belgia, Nederland, Luxemburg, Italia, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Norwegia, Canada, dan Amerika Serikat. NATO ini terang ditujukan kepada Uni Soviet. Jerman Barat (Republik Federasi Jerman) masuk juga pada tahun 1954. Panglima tertingginya ialah Jenderal Eisenhower yang pada tahun 1952 mengundurkan diri karena dicalonkan untuk menjadi Presiden Amerika Serikat.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
The Western world after the Second World War until 1964
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In the Second World War Europe was wholly material damage and obliteration of the human soul is very great.
England has shown its remarkable resilient. He was able to defend itself against any attack the German army, also the weapons V1 and V2. The air Force (Royal Air Force) proved to thwart any attack from the Luftwaffe (German Air Force during Adolf Hitler) who was so proud of the Herman Goering at it. Finally, after apda 1944 the Allies to take the initiative and held in the Normandy landings, the British army along with U.S. soldiers beat and roll the Germans, until the German army capitulated on May 7, 1945. However, even though it's clear that the UK finally achieve victory in the Second World War, the destruction and extinction that happened was so great, that Britain was no longer able to emerge as a first-class country like the United States and the Soviet Union. But how well, England was one of the Big Five country, which began in 1945 was involved in the "conquer the world". Ie: United States, Soviet Union, Britain, France and China.
France also entered the Big Five, although the army has experienced a very humiliating defeat. But the French nation in Africa and abroad can then form a national army under the command of General De Gaulle and the French in the State managed to put together a "partisan forces" the army "under ground" that conduct guerrilla warfare against the Germans. When Eisenhower did in the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, the French National Army soldiers participate and French participants immediately intensify their activities and join the Allied forces.
Other European countries: Norwegian, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg also dimerdeka and got back its status as an independent and sovereign state.
People of Italy under the leadership of Badoglio in 1943 have been able to oust Mussolini's fascist government and make peace with the Allies. Most of the people of Italy have formed the participants that helped Allied soldiers, drove German troops in Italy. In 1944 Mussolini was captured by the anti-fascist forces participants and shot dead.
Yugoslav partisans led by Marshal Tito during the Second World Perand making continuous fierce resistance against the Germans, after the war, the government can seize power. The government explained its communist Yugoslavia. Communist Party of Yugoslavia even one member who co-founded Kominform conference in Warsaw in September 1947. But Tito was also nationalists who always think of the interests of his homeland, and even put their own interests rather than keepntingan Moscow Yugoslavia. It thus is certainly contrary to the arguments of Yugoslav communism and eventually expelled from Kominform. Titoism then becomes a new stream. Tito still call themselves "communist" but first he put the interests of his homeland thus deviating from orthodox communists based in Moscow.
Germans suffered material damage and demoralization of the most powerful in the Second World War, broke into two: West Germany in favor of the West Block and East Germany controlled by the Soviet Union, and is one of the most serious problems that continue to endanger the security of the world. In West Germany formed the Federal Republic of Germany with its capital Bonn in May 1949. As President in select Theodor hues but the most power in the hands of the Prime Minister Konrad Adenauer.
To counterbalance the East German Democratic Republic Germany Founded by Wilhelm Pieck as President and Otto Grotewohl as Prime Minister (October 1949).
In the meantime, the United States progressed rapidly and became the leader of the State ° Based western liberal democracy. With more and sharpen the cold war between the West Block and East Block eratlah anyway then the cooperation between the West Country. Under the leadership of the United States in 1949 formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is a military pact between the countries around the North Atlantic: Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Canada, and United States. NATO is light directed at the Soviet Union. West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) came also in 1954. Supreme Commander was General Eisenhower who in 1952 resigned as nominated to be President of the United States.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In the Second World War Europe was wholly material damage and obliteration of the human soul is very great.
England has shown its remarkable resilient. He was able to defend itself against any attack the German army, also the weapons V1 and V2. The air Force (Royal Air Force) proved to thwart any attack from the Luftwaffe (German Air Force during Adolf Hitler) who was so proud of the Herman Goering at it. Finally, after apda 1944 the Allies to take the initiative and held in the Normandy landings, the British army along with U.S. soldiers beat and roll the Germans, until the German army capitulated on May 7, 1945. However, even though it's clear that the UK finally achieve victory in the Second World War, the destruction and extinction that happened was so great, that Britain was no longer able to emerge as a first-class country like the United States and the Soviet Union. But how well, England was one of the Big Five country, which began in 1945 was involved in the "conquer the world". Ie: United States, Soviet Union, Britain, France and China.
France also entered the Big Five, although the army has experienced a very humiliating defeat. But the French nation in Africa and abroad can then form a national army under the command of General De Gaulle and the French in the State managed to put together a "partisan forces" the army "under ground" that conduct guerrilla warfare against the Germans. When Eisenhower did in the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, the French National Army soldiers participate and French participants immediately intensify their activities and join the Allied forces.
Other European countries: Norwegian, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg also dimerdeka and got back its status as an independent and sovereign state.
People of Italy under the leadership of Badoglio in 1943 have been able to oust Mussolini's fascist government and make peace with the Allies. Most of the people of Italy have formed the participants that helped Allied soldiers, drove German troops in Italy. In 1944 Mussolini was captured by the anti-fascist forces participants and shot dead.
Yugoslav partisans led by Marshal Tito during the Second World Perand making continuous fierce resistance against the Germans, after the war, the government can seize power. The government explained its communist Yugoslavia. Communist Party of Yugoslavia even one member who co-founded Kominform conference in Warsaw in September 1947. But Tito was also nationalists who always think of the interests of his homeland, and even put their own interests rather than keepntingan Moscow Yugoslavia. It thus is certainly contrary to the arguments of Yugoslav communism and eventually expelled from Kominform. Titoism then becomes a new stream. Tito still call themselves "communist" but first he put the interests of his homeland thus deviating from orthodox communists based in Moscow.
Germans suffered material damage and demoralization of the most powerful in the Second World War, broke into two: West Germany in favor of the West Block and East Germany controlled by the Soviet Union, and is one of the most serious problems that continue to endanger the security of the world. In West Germany formed the Federal Republic of Germany with its capital Bonn in May 1949. As President in select Theodor hues but the most power in the hands of the Prime Minister Konrad Adenauer.
To counterbalance the East German Democratic Republic Germany Founded by Wilhelm Pieck as President and Otto Grotewohl as Prime Minister (October 1949).
In the meantime, the United States progressed rapidly and became the leader of the State ° Based western liberal democracy. With more and sharpen the cold war between the West Block and East Block eratlah anyway then the cooperation between the West Country. Under the leadership of the United States in 1949 formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is a military pact between the countries around the North Atlantic: Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Canada, and United States. NATO is light directed at the Soviet Union. West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) came also in 1954. Supreme Commander was General Eisenhower who in 1952 resigned as nominated to be President of the United States.