Perkembangan Bayi
(Sumber: Baby Diary, SGM Eksplor 3)
A) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 1 Bulan
1) Perkembangan: dapat mengangkat kepalanya pada posisi teelngkup, dapat merespon bunyi, matanya berkedip ketika ada cahaya yang menyilaukan, dapat menatap dan focus pada wajah seseorang.
2) Tips untuk Ibu:
a) Sentuhan lembut Ibu membuat bayi nyaman.
b) Di setiap tidur bayi, Ibu selalu memutarkan music lembut yang menenangkan. Selain itu suhu dikamar bayi tidak terlalu dingin dan tidak terlalu panas.
c) Ibu selalu memberikan susu kepada bayinya.
3) Imunisasi:
a) BCG (0-2 bulan).
b) Hepatitis B I (12 jam setelah lahir).
c) Hepatitis B II (1 bulan).
d) Polio 0 bulan (minggu pertama).
B) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 2 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi: merespon senyum dengan senyuman, mampu mengikuti obyek matanya, bersuara nyaring selain tangisan, mengucapkan “ooh” dan “aahh”, otot lebih rileks, tangan tak lagi mengepal.
2) Tips untuk Ibu Bayi: Ajak bermain dan bercanda pada bayi.
3) Imunisasi:
a) Polio I (2 bulan).
b) DPT I (2 bulan).
c) Hib I (2 bulan).
d) Pneumokokus I (2 bulan).
C) Perkembangan bayi Usia 3 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi: mampu mengangkat dan menahan kepalanya hingga 45 derajat dalam posisi telengkup, tersenyum dan tertawa, mengenali wajah, membuka dan menutup kepalan tangannya, kaki mampu menendang, dapat membedakan antara orang tua dan orang asing, bayi mulai bermain dengan tangannya dan mulai meraih obyek dengan sengaja, bukan merupakan suatu gerakan reflex.
2) Tips untuk Ibu bayi: Berikan mainan yang berbentuk pola melingkar dan spiral, ubah bayi seperti telungkup ke telentang, miring kekiri ataupun ke kanan.
3) Imunisasi: Hepatitis B III (3-6 bulan).
D) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 4-6 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi: mampu mengangkat dan menahan kepalanya hingga 90 derajat dalam posisi telungkup, kedua kakinya mampu menahan berat badan, sudah mampu tertawa dan tersenyum, berguling, mampu meraih obyek, menahan kepalanya saat mencoba posisi duduk, mampu meniru bunyi dan ekspresi wajah, mampu meraih dan mengenggam obyek, dapat duduk sebentar dengan bantuan. (Gigi susu pertama bayi muncul).
2) Tips untuk Ibu bayi: diperkenalkan pada makanan pendamping, mulailah dengan buah seperti papaya atau pisang, kenalkan dengan makanan yang lembut.
3) Imunisasi:
a) Polio II (4 bulan).
b) Polio III (6 bulan).
c) DPT II (4 bulan).
d) DPT III (6 bulan).
e) Hib II (4 bulan).
d) Hib III (6 bulan).
e) Pneumokokus II ( 4bulan).
d) Pneumokokus III (6 bulan).
E) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 7-9 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi; dapat duduk tanpa bantuan, kekuatan dan koordinasi otot makin baik, merespon ketika namanya disebut, menirukan bunyi, mengejar obyek di luar jangkauan, menghisap jari tangannya, memindahkan obyek dari satu tangan ke tangan lainnya, memasukkan obyek ke mulutnya, mengucapkan “ma…ma” dan “da…da”, mampu berdiri dan bersandar pada sesuatu, mengengok ketika ada benda jatuh, memukul obyek secara bersamaan, mulai mengkombinasikan suku kata. (Gigi seri pertama muncul)
2) Tips untuk ibu bayi: sudah bisa makan biscuit dan bubur susu beragam rasa, variasikan makanan, lengkapi gizi dengan susu yang kandungannya lengkap.
3) Imunisasi: Campak I (9 bulan).
F) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 10-12 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi: Merangkak dengan baik, melambaikan tangan, mampu mengangkat tubuhnya untuk berdiri dari posisi duduk, mampu berjalan sepanjang sandaran, mampu berdiri dengan bersandar pada sesuatu, melambaikan tangan, merangkak dengan baik, mluai mengerti kata tidak namun tidak selalu dipatuhi, dapat memberikan isyarat jika menginginkan sesuatu, gemar membuka tutup pintu lemari, takut dengan orang tak dikenal. (Gigi seri kedua muncul)
2) Tips Ibu bayi: -
3) imunisasi: -
G) Perkembangan Bayi Usia 12-18 tahun.
1) Perkembangan bayi: merangkak dengan baik, mampu berjalan sepanjang sandaran dengan baik, dapat mengucapkan satu kata selain mama dan dada, menepuk dan memukul benda secara bersamaaan, anak mulai berjalan mundur sambil menarik mainan dengan tali, dapt berdiri dengan baik, membungkuk ke depan untuk meraih obyek, menghisap jarinya, perbendaharaan katanya bertamah 5 kata, tertawa pada sesuatu yang lucu. (Gigi taring pertama muncul dan Gigi geraham pertama muncul)
2) Tips untuk Ibu bayi:-
3) Imunisasi:
a) Polio IV (8 bulan).
b) DPT IV (8 bulan).
c) Hib IV (15-18 bulan).
d) Pneumokokus IV (12-15 bulan)
e) MMR I (15 bulan)
f) Influenza (1 tahun 1x).
H) Perkembangan bayi Usia 18-24 bulan.
1) Perkembangan bayi: sudah mampu berlari, menggosok gigi dengan bantuan, mampu membuka baju sendiri tanpa bantuan, suka mengikuti gaya orang lain, mampu menulis nama sendiri pada buku, anak sudah mampu menendang bola yang lebih kecil (ukuran bola tenis) dan mulai mampu melempar bola terarah ke suatu keranjang yang besar, sudah bisa melompat, mulai mampu membuka sepatu dan kaos kakinya sendiri, menggunakan alat makan lebih terampil lagi, mengenal organ tubuh lebih banyak, menyusun kubus lebih banyak dan lebih rapi lagi.
2) Tips untuk Ibu bayi: biasakan gosok gigi sendiri, berikan susu yang memiliki kandungan gizi yang baik dan seimbang.
3) Imunisasi:-
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Baby's Development
(Source: Baby Diary, SGM explore 3)
A) Ages 1 Months Baby's Development
1) Development: able to lift his head at the position teelngkup, can respond to sound, his eyes flashing when there is glare, to stare and focus on someone's face.
2) Tips for Mom:
a) Mother's soft touch makes baby comfortable.
b) In each sleeping infant, she was always playing the gentle soothing music. Besides baby dikamar temperature is not too cold and not too hot.
c) She always give milk to their babies.
3) Immunization:
a) BCG (0-2 months).
b) Hepatitis B I (12 hours after birth).
c) Hepatitis B II (1 month).
d) Polio 0 month (first week).
B) Development of Infants age 2 months.
1) Development of the baby: smile responded with a smile, his eyes were able to follow the object, besides shrill cry, say "ooh" and "aahh", muscles are more relaxed, no longer clenched hand.
2) Tips for Mom Babies: Bring on the babies playing and joking.
3) Immunization:
a) Polio I (2 months).
b) DPT I (2 months).
c) Hib I (2 months).
d) Pneumococcal I (2 months).
C) The development of infants age 3 months.
1) Development of the baby: able to lift and hold his head up to 45 degrees in a position telengkup, smiling and laughing, recognize faces, opening and closing his fists, feet kicking capable, able to distinguish between parents and strangers, babies begin to play with his hand and began to grabbing objects with a purpose, not a reflex movement.
2) Tips for Mother Baby: Give the toys in the form of circular and spiral patterns, change the baby like tummy to her back, tilted to the left or to the right.
3) Immunizations: Hepatitis B III (3-6 months).
D) Development of Infants 4-6 months age.
1) Development of the baby: able to lift and hold his head up to 90 degrees in the tummy, legs able to withstand the weight, was able to laugh and smile, roll over, able to achieve the object, holding his head while trying to posture, able to mimic sounds and facial expressions, able to grab and hold of the object, it can sit for a while with the help. (Baby's first milk teeth appear).
2) Tips for Mom baby: introduced to complementary foods, start with a fruit like papaya or banana, introduced with soft food.
3) Immunization:
a) Polio II (4 months).
b) Polio III (6 months).
c) DPT II (4 months).
d) DPT III (6 months).
e) Hib II (4 months).
d) Hib III (6 months).
e) Pneumococcal II (4bulan).
d) Pneumococcal III (6 months).
E) Development of Infants 7-9 months age.
1) The development of infants; able to sit without support, strength and better muscle coordination, respond when his name is called, imitating sounds, chasing objects out of reach, sucking fingers, move objects from one hand to the other, insert objects into his mouth, saying "ma ... ma" and "da ... da", able to stand and lean on something, mengengok when an object falls, hitting objects simultaneously, began to combine syllables. (First incisors appear)
2) Tips for mother baby: it can eat biscuits and milk porridge variety of flavors, vary the diet, complete with milk nutrition complete abortion.
3) Immunization: Measles I (9 months).
F) Development of Infants Age 10-12 months.
1) The development of infants: Crawling well, waved, unable to lift his body to stand up from a sitting position, being able to walk along the back, able to stand up by leaning on something, waving, crawling well, mluai not understand a word but not always adhered to, could signaled if it wants something, like to open the closet door shut, afraid of strangers. (Second incisors appear)
2) The mother Tips: -
3) immunization: -
G) Development of Infants Age 12-18 years.
1) The development of a baby: crawling well, being able to walk along the back of the well, to say a word other than mama and chest, slapped and hit objects in bersamaaan, the child begins to walk backwards while pulling toy with rope, DAPT stand up well, leaning forward to reach for an object, finger sucking, vocabulary bertamah 5 words, laughing at something funny. (Canine teeth first appear and the first molar appears)
2) Tips for Mom baby: -
3) Immunization:
a) Polio IV (8 months).
b) DPT IV (8 months).
c) Hib IV (15-18 months).
d) Pneumococcal IV (12-15 months)
e) MMR I (15 months)
f) Influenza (1 year 1x).
H) The development of infants age 18-24 months.
1) The development of a baby: it can run, brushing teeth with help, was able to undress themselves without assistance, like to follow the style of others, be able to write his own name in the book, children are able to kick the ball a smaller (size of a tennis ball) and begin to throw a ball directed into a large basket, can jump, from being able to open their own shoes and socks, use more skilled cutlery more, know more organs, composing cube more and more presentable again.
2) Tips for Mom baby: get used to brush their own teeth, give milk that contains good nutrition and balanced.
3) Immunization: -
(Source: Baby Diary, SGM explore 3)
A) Ages 1 Months Baby's Development
1) Development: able to lift his head at the position teelngkup, can respond to sound, his eyes flashing when there is glare, to stare and focus on someone's face.
2) Tips for Mom:
a) Mother's soft touch makes baby comfortable.
b) In each sleeping infant, she was always playing the gentle soothing music. Besides baby dikamar temperature is not too cold and not too hot.
c) She always give milk to their babies.
3) Immunization:
a) BCG (0-2 months).
b) Hepatitis B I (12 hours after birth).
c) Hepatitis B II (1 month).
d) Polio 0 month (first week).
B) Development of Infants age 2 months.
1) Development of the baby: smile responded with a smile, his eyes were able to follow the object, besides shrill cry, say "ooh" and "aahh", muscles are more relaxed, no longer clenched hand.
2) Tips for Mom Babies: Bring on the babies playing and joking.
3) Immunization:
a) Polio I (2 months).
b) DPT I (2 months).
c) Hib I (2 months).
d) Pneumococcal I (2 months).
C) The development of infants age 3 months.
1) Development of the baby: able to lift and hold his head up to 45 degrees in a position telengkup, smiling and laughing, recognize faces, opening and closing his fists, feet kicking capable, able to distinguish between parents and strangers, babies begin to play with his hand and began to grabbing objects with a purpose, not a reflex movement.
2) Tips for Mother Baby: Give the toys in the form of circular and spiral patterns, change the baby like tummy to her back, tilted to the left or to the right.
3) Immunizations: Hepatitis B III (3-6 months).
D) Development of Infants 4-6 months age.
1) Development of the baby: able to lift and hold his head up to 90 degrees in the tummy, legs able to withstand the weight, was able to laugh and smile, roll over, able to achieve the object, holding his head while trying to posture, able to mimic sounds and facial expressions, able to grab and hold of the object, it can sit for a while with the help. (Baby's first milk teeth appear).
2) Tips for Mom baby: introduced to complementary foods, start with a fruit like papaya or banana, introduced with soft food.
3) Immunization:
a) Polio II (4 months).
b) Polio III (6 months).
c) DPT II (4 months).
d) DPT III (6 months).
e) Hib II (4 months).
d) Hib III (6 months).
e) Pneumococcal II (4bulan).
d) Pneumococcal III (6 months).
E) Development of Infants 7-9 months age.
1) The development of infants; able to sit without support, strength and better muscle coordination, respond when his name is called, imitating sounds, chasing objects out of reach, sucking fingers, move objects from one hand to the other, insert objects into his mouth, saying "ma ... ma" and "da ... da", able to stand and lean on something, mengengok when an object falls, hitting objects simultaneously, began to combine syllables. (First incisors appear)
2) Tips for mother baby: it can eat biscuits and milk porridge variety of flavors, vary the diet, complete with milk nutrition complete abortion.
3) Immunization: Measles I (9 months).
F) Development of Infants Age 10-12 months.
1) The development of infants: Crawling well, waved, unable to lift his body to stand up from a sitting position, being able to walk along the back, able to stand up by leaning on something, waving, crawling well, mluai not understand a word but not always adhered to, could signaled if it wants something, like to open the closet door shut, afraid of strangers. (Second incisors appear)
2) The mother Tips: -
3) immunization: -
G) Development of Infants Age 12-18 years.
1) The development of a baby: crawling well, being able to walk along the back of the well, to say a word other than mama and chest, slapped and hit objects in bersamaaan, the child begins to walk backwards while pulling toy with rope, DAPT stand up well, leaning forward to reach for an object, finger sucking, vocabulary bertamah 5 words, laughing at something funny. (Canine teeth first appear and the first molar appears)
2) Tips for Mom baby: -
3) Immunization:
a) Polio IV (8 months).
b) DPT IV (8 months).
c) Hib IV (15-18 months).
d) Pneumococcal IV (12-15 months)
e) MMR I (15 months)
f) Influenza (1 year 1x).
H) The development of infants age 18-24 months.
1) The development of a baby: it can run, brushing teeth with help, was able to undress themselves without assistance, like to follow the style of others, be able to write his own name in the book, children are able to kick the ball a smaller (size of a tennis ball) and begin to throw a ball directed into a large basket, can jump, from being able to open their own shoes and socks, use more skilled cutlery more, know more organs, composing cube more and more presentable again.
2) Tips for Mom baby: get used to brush their own teeth, give milk that contains good nutrition and balanced.
3) Immunization: -