Tips on How to Easily Use BBM Voice For Voice Chat

Tips on How to Easily Use BBM Voice For Voice Chat
RIM or Research In Motion has just committed the latest breakthroughs in terms of features messagingnya. If before the fuel can only chat using text, send sounds, pictures and files, is now issuing a new feature called BlackBerry BBM Voice. BBM Voice lets BlackBerry users communicate with other users using voice over the phone like the BlackBerry Messaging using cellular networks. With this feature BlackBerry users can use the telephone ria contacts on BBM through WiFi network, do not use the phone number and was not charged or free all over the world.

But unfortunately not all types can upgrade the BlackBerry features, fuel Voice can only be used for the operating system BlackBerry OS 6 or later. Well for those of you who have a BlackBerry OS 6 or later, here's how to use the fuel Voice for voice chat:

  1. Upgrate and install the latest BBM BBM to version 7
  2. Fill in your BlackBerry ID to write emails that are still active and strong password, or use the username and password.
  3. Then press the Switch Device and press OK
  4. Now select your friends on BBM contact
  5. Sign appears green to contact active and can be contacted via Voice fuel
  6. Then press the Start Voice Chat
  7. Then press OK.
  8. You can already use voice like berchating ria phone.
