Uni Soviet setelah Perang Dunia Kedua sampai tahun 1964
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Sesudah Perang Dunia Kedua, Uni Soviet tampil kemuka sebagai salah satu dari negara raksasa. Mula-mula ia masih harus menduduki tempat kedua tetapi ia bekerja keras supaya secepatnya dapat menyamai atau melebih Amerika Serikat, setidaknya dalam bidang militer. Persaingan itu teristimewa berlangsung di lapangan penyelidikan atom dan di bidang politik luar negeri.
Baik Amerika Serikat maupun Uni Soviet berusaha keras menyusun kekuasaan besarnya. Dalam usaha itu mereka mencoba menarik sebanyaknya negeri lain ke pihaknya itu mereka masing-masing. Demikian terbentuklah Dua “blok”: Blok Barat dan Blok Timur. Tetapi tidak semua Negara mau ikut ditarik ke dalam salah satu blok itu. Yang terang ikut Blok Timur ialah: Negara Eropa Timur, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, dan Republik Demokrasi Mongolia; begitu juga Vietnam Utara dan Korea Utara. Yang terang ikut Blok Barat ialah Negara yang tergabung dalam NATO, Pakta Baghdad (CENTO) dan SEATO.
Suatu kejadian sangat penting ialah meninggalnya Stalin pada tahun 1953. Ia diganti oleh suatu presidium, terdiri dari Malenkov, Beria dan Molotov. Tetapi segera terjadi perebutan kekuasaan sengit. Beria kalah dan ditembak mati. Malenkov dijatuhkan dari kedudukannya sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Molotov di desak keluar dari pimpinan partai. Golongan yang menang ialah Khrushchev, Bulganin, Mikoyan dan Jenderal Zhukov. Buganin segera dijatuhkan juga; Zhukov pada tahun 1957 dipecat dari kedudukan menteri Pertahanan; Mikoyan diberi kedudukan tidak begitu penting. Sehingga akhirnya tinggal Nikita Khrushchev. Resminya ia menjabat Sekretaris Partai tetapi sesungguhnya ia memegang segala kekuasaan.
Sementara itu persaingan dalam penyelidikan senjata atom berjalan dengan hebat. Pada bulan September 1949 telah dikabarkan terjadi peledakan bom atom di dalam wilayah Uni Soviet. Semenjak itu peledakan atom di Uni Soviet maju pesat. Pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1957 dunia dikejutkan oleh berhasilnya percobaan “Sputnik” pertama. Sputnik II telah membawa seekor anjing. Amerika Serikat ketinggalan jauh; baru berhasil melancarkan “Explorer I” pada bulan Januari 1958 tetapi ukurannya jauh lebih kecil dari Sputnik Rusia.
Soviet kemudian berhasil juga melancarkan “Lunik” yang mendarat di bulan dan berhasil pula memotret bulan dari bagian yang terbaik dari bumi. Dan akhirnya, Uni Soviet pada tanggal 12 April 1961 sekali lagi mengejutkan dunia dengan berhasil mengirimkan seorang manusia ke ruang angkasa dan menarik dia kembali ke bumi dengan selamat. Yuri Gagarin nama orang itu, yang sebagai “astronaut” (“Manusia angkasa”) pertama menjadi terkenal namanya di seluruh dunia. Untuk sekian kali Amerika Serikat ketinggalan dalam bidang ilmu penyelidikan atom.
Semenjak itu penyelidikan ilmu atom dan ruang angkasa makin maju dengan pesatnya. Uni Soviet telah berhasil meluncurkan Astrounaut yang kedua, Titov. Amerika Serikat pun mencapai kemajuan pula dan berhasil mengirimkan Astronautnya kea lam angkasa raya Sheppard dam Glenn. Setelah itu menyusul Astronaut atau Cosmonaut lain diantaranya seorang wanita Rusia: “Valentina.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
The Soviet Union after World War II until 1964
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
After the Second World War, the Soviet Union come forward as one of the giants. At first, he still has to occupy second place but he worked hard so quickly to rival or surpass the United States, at least in the military. Competition was especially held in the field probe and the atoms in the field of foreign policy.
Neither the United States nor the Soviet Union make up the power struggle magnitude. In the effort to try to take it sebanyaknya another country to which they respectively. Thus forming two "blocks": the West Block and East Block. But not all countries would participate drawn into one block. The brighter the Eastern Bloc participate are: Eastern European countries, the People's Republic of China, Mongolia and the Democratic Republic; so North Vietnam and North Korea. The brighter the country join the Western Bloc is incorporated in NATO, Baghdad Pact (CENTO) and SEATO.
A very important event is the death of Stalin in 1953. He was replaced by a presidium, consisting of Malenkov, Beria and Molotov. But soon a fierce power struggle going on. Beria lost and shot dead. Malenkov was dropped from his position as Prime Minister and Molotov in the urge out of the party leadership. The winning faction is Khrushchev, Bulganin, Mikoyan and General Zhukov. Buganin soon dropped as well; Zhukov in 1957 was dismissed from the position of Minister of Defence; Mikoyan given position is not so important. So ended up staying Nikita Khrushchev. Officially, he served as Secretary of the party but it actually holds all the power.
Meanwhile, competition in the investigation of atomic weapons runs great. In September 1949 it has been rumored the atomic bomb explosions occurred in the territory of the Soviet Union. Since then blasting atoms in the Soviet Union developed rapidly. On October 4, 1957 the world was shocked by the success of the experiment "Sputnik" first. Sputnik II had brought a dog. United States left behind; recently successfully launched its "Explorer I" in January 1958 but its size is much smaller than the Russian Sputnik.
Soviet and then managed to also launch a "Lunik" which landed on the moon and also managed to take pictures of the best months of the earth. And finally, the Soviet Union on 12 April 1961 once again shocked the world by successfully sending a man into space and pull him back to earth safely. Yuri Gagarin's name, which is the "astronaut" ("Space Man") first became well-known name in the whole world. For a long time the United States lagging behind in the field of atomic science investigations.
Since that investigation atomic science and space become more advanced with rapid. The Soviet Union had successfully launched the second Astrounaut, Titov. The United States has made progress anyway and managed to send Astronautnya kea lam sky to Glenn Sheppard dam. After that followed another Astronaut or Cosmonaut including a Russian woman: "Valentina.
But it also opens up the possibility of atomic science for the benefit of humans, especially in the field of medicine and industry developments that are useful to humans.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
After the Second World War, the Soviet Union come forward as one of the giants. At first, he still has to occupy second place but he worked hard so quickly to rival or surpass the United States, at least in the military. Competition was especially held in the field probe and the atoms in the field of foreign policy.
Neither the United States nor the Soviet Union make up the power struggle magnitude. In the effort to try to take it sebanyaknya another country to which they respectively. Thus forming two "blocks": the West Block and East Block. But not all countries would participate drawn into one block. The brighter the Eastern Bloc participate are: Eastern European countries, the People's Republic of China, Mongolia and the Democratic Republic; so North Vietnam and North Korea. The brighter the country join the Western Bloc is incorporated in NATO, Baghdad Pact (CENTO) and SEATO.
A very important event is the death of Stalin in 1953. He was replaced by a presidium, consisting of Malenkov, Beria and Molotov. But soon a fierce power struggle going on. Beria lost and shot dead. Malenkov was dropped from his position as Prime Minister and Molotov in the urge out of the party leadership. The winning faction is Khrushchev, Bulganin, Mikoyan and General Zhukov. Buganin soon dropped as well; Zhukov in 1957 was dismissed from the position of Minister of Defence; Mikoyan given position is not so important. So ended up staying Nikita Khrushchev. Officially, he served as Secretary of the party but it actually holds all the power.
Meanwhile, competition in the investigation of atomic weapons runs great. In September 1949 it has been rumored the atomic bomb explosions occurred in the territory of the Soviet Union. Since then blasting atoms in the Soviet Union developed rapidly. On October 4, 1957 the world was shocked by the success of the experiment "Sputnik" first. Sputnik II had brought a dog. United States left behind; recently successfully launched its "Explorer I" in January 1958 but its size is much smaller than the Russian Sputnik.
Soviet and then managed to also launch a "Lunik" which landed on the moon and also managed to take pictures of the best months of the earth. And finally, the Soviet Union on 12 April 1961 once again shocked the world by successfully sending a man into space and pull him back to earth safely. Yuri Gagarin's name, which is the "astronaut" ("Space Man") first became well-known name in the whole world. For a long time the United States lagging behind in the field of atomic science investigations.
Since that investigation atomic science and space become more advanced with rapid. The Soviet Union had successfully launched the second Astrounaut, Titov. The United States has made progress anyway and managed to send Astronautnya kea lam sky to Glenn Sheppard dam. After that followed another Astronaut or Cosmonaut including a Russian woman: "Valentina.
But it also opens up the possibility of atomic science for the benefit of humans, especially in the field of medicine and industry developments that are useful to humans.