Arti Tanaman Padi, Asal Tanaman Padi, dan Padi dalam Bidang Ekonomi
(Sumber: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno. 1970. Bertanam Padi. Bandung: Penerbit Binacipta.)
A) Arti Tanaman Padi. Dari tanaman semusim yang ditanam oleh bangsa Indonesia, tanaman padi termasuk yang terpenting. Terutama bagi petani merupakan penghasilan yang utama. Bila suatu musim hasil padi merosot, rusak karena hama, bencana alam, bukan petani saja yang menderita, tapi seluruh masyarakat merasakannya. Sebaliknya, bila tanaman padi hasilnya baik maka tentramlah kehidupan padi. Padi merupakan makanan pokok bangsa Indonesia.
Padi memang sesuai untuk Negara Indonesia, karena:
1) Padi menghendaki iklim tropic atau subtropik dan Indonesia beriklim tropic.
2) Untuk tumbuhnya padi memerlukan banyak air dan di Negara Indonesia berlimpah.
3) Tanah Indonesia pada umumnya subur.
4) Mudah ditanam, baik di sawah maupun di ladang.
5) Tahan lama disimpan.
Padi menghasilkan bahan makanan yang enak rasanya dan gizi yang tinggi sehingga disukai bangsa di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu padi menjadi perdagangan dunia.
B) Asal Tanaman Padi. Menurut penyelidikan para sarjana asal tanaman padi adalah dari daerah Benggala sebelah utara, yang mana di sana paling banyak varietas atau jenis padi yang ditanam maupun yang liar.
Dahulu orang meyangka bahwa padi berasal dari Hindia Muka. Menurut penyelidikan yang terakhir padi yang masyarakat Indonesia tanam sekarang (Orizasativa L) adalah hasil perkawinan silang antara padi yang berlangsung berabad-abad.
C)Arti Tanaman Padi dalam bidang Ekonomi. Selain Indonesia, yang menanam padi ialah: Jepang, Tiongkok, Vietnam, Muang Thai, Birma, India, Mesir, Italia, Spanyol, Amerika Serikat, Brazil, Filipina dan Australia.
Produksi beras di dunia sebagai berikut:
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) | Luas tanah dalam Hektar (Land Area: Hectare) |
Indonesia | 13 | 18,4 |
India | 48 | 15,1 |
Jepang (Japan) | 16 | 67,1 |
Pakistan | 14 | 16,1 |
Muang Thai | 9 | 13,9 |
Birma | 7 | 16,8 |
Malaysia | 1 | 20,1 |
Spanyol | | 63,1 |
Italia (Italy) | | 54,6 |
Perancis (France) | | 40,6 |
Amerika Serikat (United States of Amerca/ USA) | | 38,2 |
Negara pengekspor beras ialah:
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) |
Birma | 1,6 |
Muang Thai | 1,4 |
Srilangka | 0,5 |
Amerika Serika (United States of America/ USA) | 1,0 |
Negara Pengimpor beras ialah
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) |
Indonesia | 1,07 |
Malaysia | 0,571 |
RRC (People’s Republic of China) | 0,511 |
India | 0,483 |
Hongkong | 0,389 |
(Angka-angka ini diambil dari angka tahun 1963)
Dari angka di atas ternyatalah bahwa produksi beras Indonesia termasuk banyak juga. Tetapi karena pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang sangat cepat, produksi beras dalam negeri tidak mencukupi. Oleh karena itu Indonesia terpaksa mengimpor beras dari luar negeri.
Juga dari angka itu dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa beras adalah merupakan barang perdagangan yang sangat penting di dunia. Di Eropa badan yang mengurusi perdagangan beras iala E. E. C. (Europe Economic Community).
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Rice Meaning, Origin Rice, and Rice in Economics
(Source: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno., 1970. Planting Rice. York: Publisher Binacipta.)
A) Meaning Rice. Of the crops grown by the people of Indonesia, including the most important rice crop. Especially for farmers is the main income. When a season rice yields dropped, damaged by pests, natural disasters, not just farmers who are suffering, but the whole community feel. Conversely, if the results are good then the rice paddy tentramlah life. Rice is the staple food of Indonesia.
Rice is appropriate for the State of Indonesia, because:
1) Rice wants tropic or subtropical climate and a temperate tropical Indonesia.
2) The growing rice requires a lot of water and in the State of Indonesia is abundant.
3) Land of Indonesia in general fertile.
4) Easily grown, both in the fields and in the fields.
5) Durable saved.
Rice producing great-tasting food and nutrition high so favored nations around the world. Therefore the rice into world trade.
B) Origin of Rice. According to probe the origin of the rice plant are scholars of the region north Bengal, where there are the many varieties or types of rice planted and wild.
Formerly the meyangka that rice originated from the Indian face.According to a recent investigation of the Indonesian rice planting now (Orizasativa L) is the result of cross-breeding between the rice that lasted for centuries.
C) The meaning of Rice in Economics. Besides Indonesia, which is rice: Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, India, Egypt, Italy, Spain, United States, Brazil, the Philippines and Australia.
Production of rice in the world as follows:
Rice-exporting countries were:
Importing countries rice is
(These figures are taken from the number in 1963)
From the above figures that the production of rice Indonesia ternyatalah including a lot too. But because of the number of people very quickly, rice production in the country is inadequate. Therefore, Indonesia was forced to import rice from abroad.
Also from the figure it can be concluded that rice is a very important commodity in the world. In Europe, the agency in charge of the rice trade IALA E. E. C. (Europe Economic Community).
(Source: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno., 1970. Planting Rice. York: Publisher Binacipta.)
A) Meaning Rice. Of the crops grown by the people of Indonesia, including the most important rice crop. Especially for farmers is the main income. When a season rice yields dropped, damaged by pests, natural disasters, not just farmers who are suffering, but the whole community feel. Conversely, if the results are good then the rice paddy tentramlah life. Rice is the staple food of Indonesia.
Rice is appropriate for the State of Indonesia, because:
1) Rice wants tropic or subtropical climate and a temperate tropical Indonesia.
2) The growing rice requires a lot of water and in the State of Indonesia is abundant.
3) Land of Indonesia in general fertile.
4) Easily grown, both in the fields and in the fields.
5) Durable saved.
Rice producing great-tasting food and nutrition high so favored nations around the world. Therefore the rice into world trade.
B) Origin of Rice. According to probe the origin of the rice plant are scholars of the region north Bengal, where there are the many varieties or types of rice planted and wild.
Formerly the meyangka that rice originated from the Indian face.According to a recent investigation of the Indonesian rice planting now (Orizasativa L) is the result of cross-breeding between the rice that lasted for centuries.
C) The meaning of Rice in Economics. Besides Indonesia, which is rice: Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, India, Egypt, Italy, Spain, United States, Brazil, the Philippines and Australia.
Production of rice in the world as follows:
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) | Luas tanah dalam Hektar (Land Area: Hectare) |
Indonesia | 13 | 18,4 |
India | 48 | 15,1 |
Jepang (Japan) | 16 | 67,1 |
Pakistan | 14 | 16,1 |
Muang Thai | 9 | 13,9 |
Birma | 7 | 16,8 |
Malaysia | 1 | 20,1 |
Spanyol | | 63,1 |
Italia (Italy) | | 54,6 |
Perancis (France) | | 40,6 |
Amerika Serikat (United States of Amerca/ USA) | | 38,2 |
Rice-exporting countries were:
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) |
Birma | 1,6 |
Muang Thai | 1,4 |
Srilangka | 0,5 |
Amerika Serika (United States of America/ USA) | 1,0 |
Negara (Country) | Berat: dalam juta ton beras (weight: in million tones of rice) |
Indonesia | 1,07 |
Malaysia | 0,571 |
RRC (People’s Republic of China) | 0,511 |
India | 0,483 |
Hongkong | 0,389 |
(These figures are taken from the number in 1963)
From the above figures that the production of rice Indonesia ternyatalah including a lot too. But because of the number of people very quickly, rice production in the country is inadequate. Therefore, Indonesia was forced to import rice from abroad.
Also from the figure it can be concluded that rice is a very important commodity in the world. In Europe, the agency in charge of the rice trade IALA E. E. C. (Europe Economic Community).