task vocab 2


1.      FEARFUL
Part of speech : Adjective
Meaning          : ~ Nervous or afraid
                          ~ Takut
Example          : He play the role of a timid and fearful clerk

Part of speech : Adjective
Meaning          : ~ Showing interest
                          ~ Menarik
Example          : She seem very interested

Part of speech : Adjective
Meaning          : ~ Emotionally or mentally ill
                          ~ Menganggu
Example          : She doesn’t want to be disturbed while she’s sleeping

4.      WANDERED
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Walk around a place with no special purpose
                          ~ Tanpa tujuan
Example          : The wandered down the street
5.      THOUGHT
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Have a particular idea about something or somebody
                          ~ Berpikir
Example          : He thought about his problem

6.      ASK
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Put a question to somebody to order to get information
                          ~ Bertanya
Example          : I need to ask a question

Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Take a control of a country, city etc.
                          ~ Menaklukkan
Example          : The city was conquered by ancient Romans

8.      TURNED
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Cause to move around an axis or a center
                          ~ Pindah
Example          : We turned to upstair

9.      CHIP
Part of speech : Noun
Meaning          : ~ Something valuable that can be used for advantage in
                          ~ Berguna
Example          : The cup has a chip in it

10.  WIT
Part of speech : Noun
Meaning          : ~ Person who has the ability to say or write things that are
     both clever and amusing
                          ~ Talenta
Example          : Keep your wits about you ready to act

Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ to place so as to stay
                          ~ Tempat
Example          : The two sides have settled their differences

12.  LEAPS
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ To spring free from or if from the ground
                          ~ Melompat
Example          : A fish leaps out of the water

13.  QUITE
Part of speech : Adverb
Meaning          : ~ To some degree
                          ~ Tenang
Example          : She is quite right, you know

Part of speech : Adverb
Meaning          : ~ Connected by telephone
                          ~ Menyambung
Example          : She tried to ring her mother but she couldn’t get through

15.  FIGHT
Part of speech : Verb
Meaning          : ~ Take part in a war or battled against
                          ~ Bertengkar
Example          : He always fight with his brother
