Tugas Praktik B. Inggris Discussion Text : " Sex Education For Teens"

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Sex Education for Teens

So far, the parents argue,
that talk about sex to teen be considered whether taboo or should not?. But we think as a teenager, sex was dirty and taboo? Or maybe the opposite, actually need?

As we know, adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults. According to World Health Organization, adolescence is between 12 to 24 years. There are several things to consider when you talk about sex to teens. Some teens impression that sex is fun, no pain, very happy, so there is nothing to be scared to try. They think sex is only about sexual behavior is accompanied by lust, even teenagers who think that whether or not a teen slang judged by their sexual experiences, so that there is an opinion like this, "sex is something interesting to try".

Many parents and other adults, still feels taboo to talk about sex and sexuality with their children. Much prefer to remain silent and assumed that their children will get the information they need through schools and media. There are some who believe that talking about sex with children would be tantamount to encouraging them to try to have sex. The youth ought to be notified of the factors responsible for their bodies and health problems that may occur.

But in fact, sex education that we need to know. Certainly portions yes adjusted each developmental age. This is so that we all be vigilant and care about our bodies, so avoid the harassment and sexual violence.

Because each stage there are developmentally age. Existing physical and biological psychosexual development, the stages of psychological development in response to the development of sexuality. So he must be repaid little by little so as not to collide sexual anxiety in adolescence and ultimately lead to a dangerous thing.

With the abundance of information flow without boundary is expected to change the perceptions of adolescents about sex and sexuality. Family and school is a great place for teens to get the correct information about sex education, because it usually takes the example of the behavior of adolescent parents and other adults around them.

But to realize is, usually teenagers will find a role model of parents, so if the parents just did not say anything without giving appropriate information about sexuality, so teens can get the wrong information and plunge them in danger.

Biases in self-parenting. As if sex education is the same as teaching sex techniques. Though it not true. And talk about sex education should not be a slob (vulgar). But it can be described very clear, very scientific, and enter the values ​​adopted for each family.

Sex education in schools could also provide an important role in the enhancement of knowledge, behaviors and attitudes appropriate for teenagers. Besides the participation of society at large is also required in order to create the climate provision of information, especially regarding sex education is appropriate and suitable for teens.

Sex education (sex education) is an information on the issues of human sexuality are clear and correct. That information includes the process of conception, pregnancy through birth, sexual behavior, sexual relationships, and aspects of health, psychological and social.

Another opinion says that sex education (sex education) is a knowledge that we teach about all things related to sex. This includes the start of the growth of the sex (male or female). How gender functions as a means of reproduction. How the development of the genitals in women and in men. About menstruation, wet dreams, and so on, until the onset of lust because of changes in hormones. Well include issues of marriage, pregnancy and so on.

The topic of sexual problems actually began to be discussed early on when done openly, but it's never too late if it has not been done. The book can be used as a helper tool to discuss the matter, if the parents still find it awkward to talk about sex. Sex education for adolescents should also raised concerns about the picture on the biology of sex and reproductive organs, relationship problems, sexuality, how to protect yourself as well as the threat of sexually transmitted diseases

So by providing information about appropriate sex education from parents to teens about what happened and what might happen can help teens to think more

Early sex education for teens aims to introduce teenagers to the functions of sex organs, so that they can understand and be responsible for what they have and they will get a guide to avoid irregularities in their sexual behavior early on.

One thing we must remember, "the child is a parent in the foreseeable future", and therefore as a parent have to prepare the child for a generation that is ready to face the future with all the obstacles.

Sumber : dari berbagai sumber di Google. Sebelumnya, terima kasih pada sumber  (apapun) yang telah membantu saya dalam membuat tugas praktikum ini. Sekali lagi, Terima kasih, telah menjadi inspirasi dan sumber. . .
maaf  kalau masih ada keasalahan grammar, masih belajar :)

thanks you all. . .
