Biography of Imam Hanafi

Imam Abu Hanifah, known as the Hanafi Imam Abu Hanifa Nu'man real name bin Thabit Al Kufi, was born in Iraq in the year 80 AH (699 CE), during the Umayyad Caliphate Abdul Malik bin Marwan. He was named Abu Hanifah (holy and righteous) because of his sincerity in worship since childhood, morality and away from sin and evil. and the Hanafi school of fiqhinya called. This title is a blessing of prayer Ali bin Abi Talib ra, where one day his father (Thabit) invited by his grandfather (Zauti) for the pilgrimage to the residence of Ali ra who was settled in Kufa due to political disputes that shook the Islamic Ummah at the time, Ali Thabit ra pray that future offspring will be the main person in his day, and a prayer that was answered in the presence of Imam Hanafi, but not long after his father died.

In his youth, with all its brilliance brain Imam Hanafi has shown his love for the sciences, especially those related to Islamic law, even though he was the son of a rich merchant, but he was very lavish bermewah life away, so even after he became a successful merchant, wealth donated more than for its own sake.

Besides his seriousness in studying fiqh, he also studied tafsir, hadith, Arabic language and science lessons, which have been delivered as a jurist, and his expertise was recognized by scholars in his day scholars, such as Imam Muhammad ibn Abi Sulayman are entrusted to give fatwas and fiqh lessons to students students. His expertise was even praised by Imam Shafi'i "Abu Hanifa was the father of fiqh scholars and leaders all over". because of enormous concern to the law of Islam, Imam Hanafi then set up an institution in which the jurist working for law confabulate about Islamic law and lays down the law as law in writing his own legislation and regulations, who chaired the agency. The number of laws that have been drafted by the agency about 83 thousand, 38 thousand of which related to religious affairs and 45 thousand other world affairs.

The method used in determining the law (istinbat) based on seven key points:

1. Al Quran as the source of all sources of law.
2. Sunnah as an explanation for things that are global in the Qur'an.
3. Fatwa friend (Aqwal Assahabah) because they all witnessed the decline and know asbab nuzulnya verses and hadith khurujnya asbabul and the narrator. While the Successors fatwa has no standing as a fatwa friends.
4. Qiyas (analogy) is used when no texts are sharih in the Qur'an, Hadith and Aqwal Asshabah.
5. Istihsan is out or deviate from the necessity of logic towards another law precisely because it's not menyalahinya Qiyas Qiyas or is contrary to Nash.
6. Ijma 'is the agreement of the mujtahid in a legal case at one time.
7. 'Urf ie Muslim customs in a specific problem that does not exist nashnya in the Qur'an, Sunnah and there is no practice in the friend.

Great works left by the Imam Hanafi Fiqh Akhbar, Al-'Alim Walmutam and Musnad Fiqh Akhbar.
