Biography of Imam Malik

Imam Abu Abdullah Malik's full name Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu Amir ibn Amr ibn Haris bin Gaiman Kutail bin Haris bin Amr bin Al Asbahi, was born in Medina in AD 712-796 Coming from a distinguished family of Arab and high social status, both before and after the arrival of Islam, is the ancestral homeland of Yemen, but after his ancestors embraced Islam they moved to Medina, his grandfather Abu 'Amir was the first family member who converted to Islam in the year two Hijri.

His grandfather and father, including prominent hadith scholars of Medina, therefore, since childhood Imam Malik did not intend to leave Madinah to seek knowledge, because he felt Medina was a city with a rich source of knowledge that scholars scholars magnitude. Imam Malik hadith lesson to his father and uncle uncle had also studied at the famous scholars such scholars Nafi 'ibn Abi Nuaim, Ibn Shihab al Zuhri, Abu Zinad, Hashim ibn Urwa, Yahya bin Said Al Ansari, Muhammad bin Munkadir, Abdurrahman bin Hurmuz and Imam Ja'far AsShadiq.

His passion for science makes most of his life was devoted to education, no less than four Caliph, from the Al Mansur, Al Mahdi, Aaron Arrasyid and Al Ma'mun been a student, even great scholars cleric Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafi'i has ever studied from him, according to a history mentioned that Imam Malik's famous pupil reaches 1,300 people. Characteristics of Imam Malik is teaching discipline, peace and respect for students to master.

Imam Malik's work is his book Al Muwatha biggest 'fiqh is based on the set of Hadith traditions choice, according to some narrations say that the book Al Muwatha' will not be there when Imam Malik was not forced by the Caliph Al-Mansur as sanctions for its refusal to come to Baghdad, and sanctions is to collect and write an hadith hadith, Imam Malik initially reluctant to do so, but on reflection thought there was no harm in doing so finally born Al Muwatha 'written at the time of Caliph Al-Mansur (754-775 AD) and finished in the caliphate of Al Mahdi (775-785 AD), the original book contains 10 thousand hadiths but after re-examined, including only Imam Malik Hadith 1720. In addition to the book, he also wrote a book Al Mudawwanah Al Kubra.

Imam Malik left a legacy not only books, but also left fiqhinya among Sunni sect known as the Maliki school, the School is great emphasis on the welfare aspects of the legal setting, sources of law that guide the Maliki school is the Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, Practice the friends, the tradition of Medina, Qiyas and al Maslaha Al Mursal (benefit which is not supported or prohibited by certain arguments.
