Education in Indonesia

History of Education in Indonesia including the relatively new national sense. In the days of colonial rule was also a concern that is taught in a diachronic since the education systems of the time of the Hindu, Muslim, Portuguese, VOC, Dutch East Indies government of the 19th century. Then proceed with the Japanese education after Indonesia's independence and diachronic models this was continued until now.

Lectures conducted by interdisiplm approach (diachronic and / or synchronous). For the History of Education Indonesia recently, the whole substance of the temporal spectrum of educational policies and the ever valid in Indonesia; the relationship between education policy with the government of national politics, including the preparation of policy and curriculum changes that accompany it in all its aspects; educational institutions (public and private ), formal education and non-formal general education, special and religion. In short all kinds of paper facing education in Indonesia past and present and look to the future prosepeknya. History as a reflective study can be used to look forward despite the prospect has no pretensions to predict. In any discussion of philosophy that attempted seen melatarinya. download here pdf format.
