Bandwidth is broad or wide frequency range used by the signal in the transmission medium. Within this framework, the bandwidth can be defined as the difference between the high-frequency signal components and low frequency signals. Signal frequency is measured in Hertz. A typical voice signal has a bandwidth of about 3 kHz, analog broadcast television (TV) has a bandwidth of about 6 MHz.
In the computer networks, bandwidth is often used as a synonym for data transfer rate is the amount of data that can be taken from a point to another within a specified period (usually within seconds). Type of bandwidth is usually measured in bps (bits per second). Sometimes also expressed in Bps (bytes per second). A modem that works at 57.600 bps has twice the bandwidth of a modem that works at 28.800 bps. In general, the connection with large bandwidth / high enables the delivery of information such as sending pictures / images in a video presentation.
Packets bandwidth provided by CHANNEL-11 varies. From the start of 32 kbps up to 256 kbps. 32 kbps means that in each second user can transmit data packets by 32 kb (kilobits). Or if you want to take such / send a data size of 1 MB (Mega Byte) then in theory be calculated as 1 MB x 8 x 1024 = 8192 kb so that the estimated time required is 8192/32 = 256 seconds = 4.2 minutes. Time is a rough calculation of the time where in fact the data to be sent or taken to add some bits again as a header and the other that will add to the duration of data transmission. Note that 1 MB = 1024 kb