Biography Bu Muslimah (Laskar Pelangi) - figure Exemplary Teachers

Biography Bu Muslimah (Laskar Pelangi) - figure Exemplary Teachers
Hafsari Muslim born in Dusun Rasau, Country Suspension, Suspension District, East Belitung, February 27, 1952, Muslim Hafsari born from the couple KA Abdul Hamid and Salma Sharif, married an officer named Hazali Ali PN Timah. Bu Muslimah is the fourth child of seven brothers, and from his marriage with 3 children. This gentle woman is the first teacher trainers Laskar Pelangi and is the most valuable teacher for them. Bu Muslimah is one figure in lifting the most phenomenal in Indonesia novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata

Daughter graduating from intelligence school (PCS) Muhammadiyah at the age of 16 and devoted himself to educating students in SD Muhammadiyah Suspension, schools stand pioneered by his grandfather. Since lifted into PNS around 1986, Mother Muslimah then taught at State Elementary School District Hanging one Lat village until 1989, then taught at State Elementary School District 6 Hanging from 1989 until now. Bu Muslimah is the figure of the teacher, which in turn inspires Indonesia, although at the time he received his first teaching beginning salary of only Rp 7000, - per month or even sometimes not received at all. In 2008, Bu Muslimah still teaching at SDN 6 Suspend, Belitung.

Young Muslim was still 17 years old. It appeared in the middle of a great rain splash with a banana leaf in his hand. It continues to run his splitting heavy drops of rain water. Aim to SD Muhammadiyah disebuah Belitung villages. It found several students gathered in ruanganan corner, shivering with fear feeling school buildings will collapse.

Thus approaching the woman and make them feel comfortable. when the rain subsides, the lesson was also started. The woman was taught many things, including how to fight happiness. Poverty and the limitations of learning facilities are not an obstacle to progress and achievement.

Love is so great that the village children to be smart, bear abundant blessings. Murid2nya the time is still SD, now a lot of work to education and master's degree.

Many people are also reaping great diperusahaan position.
Blessing never imagined before. Andrea Hiranata which tells the woman in the book Laskar Pelangi, is now the author reliable.

Bu Muslimah in the film Laskar Pelangi

Being a teacher, said Bu Muslimah is oneself. According to Bu Muslimah, a successful teacher is a teacher who is able to deliver lessons on siswanya life. And teachers should not teach intelligent life. he said, a teacher should also discreet. Students of character, introverted, nosy, smart, slow to understand is a challenge for a teacher. Wise teacher can understand the desire of his students.

Muslim women never suspect her story will inspire millions of people. Never found it suspect, figurnya be lifted to the big screen to get the appreciation from the government. For mus bu no more proud of things to see besides murid2nya pelanginya overhaul.

Bu Muslimah devotion was an inspiration for those teachers. Even government and menggajarnya impressed with appreciation Satya Satya Badges Badges and Development Education. Muslimah an immortal name wrongly printed a book best seller in the state "troop Rainbow" by Andrea Hirata. But the women never asked for anything. In fact it would prefer to leave a message, "if we had high-praise does not need worthy, he will fall into the higher ground is more".
