Biography Gigi - Band Indonesia

Dental Group Band officially formed on March 22, 1994. Initially Band consists of Armand Maulana (vocals), Thomas Ramdhan (bassist), Dewa Budjana (guitar), Ronald Fristianto (drummer), and Baron Arafat (guitarist). The name "Gigi" itself came after the personnel laughed commenting on the name "Orang Utan" which almost made the band's name. With background music disparate, they combine them into a single music that is characteristic of Dentistry. Debut album is entitled "The dream is" thrown into the market with the support of the Union Artist / Musica.

At that time Gigi has not formed a management company to manage their activities so as to promote the album, they released two singles which also video clips, that I want and Angan. But the two best songs are not much boost sales. Lack of promotion and absence management arrangements to be the main cause of failure of the first album of this music group.

Eventually they formed Dental Management so that they become more professional. The second album "The World" was a success in the market. By relying on the first song featured "Promise", which sold around 400,000 copies and won the award for "Best Musical Group". At this time management Gigi cracks with Baron. Video clip title song both "Nirvana" was made in the absence of Baron. In September 1995, Baron officially out of Group Band Gigi. Then followed the release of Thomas and Ronald were in November 1996. Finally Dental Group Band only were alone but still managed to survive and recruit Opet Alatas (bass) and drummer Budhy Haryono).

This new formation gives a new color to the teeth. In 1997 they issued their fourth album themed 2x2 by holding a number of famous musicians, locally and globally, among others Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big), which accounted for the game mighty bass to their song (Cry Baby), and Indra also contributed to the song "Tractor". Title song "miss" the response was less. This situation helped the same as the 100 city tour featuring the duo Indra and Gilang Ramadhan as an opening.

Meanwhile, Thomas, who had just come out of rehab back to Jakarta to start playing music again. Thomas even made a surprise guest star at concerts TEETH "One Hour Teeth Together" concert and Dentistry in London, to play together in the song "Promise" and "The dream". In concert with Thomas Gigi felt nostalgic, even they brought a song rarely played the Desire. On March 22, 1999 Thomas finally went back to Group Dental music. Shortly after that Gigi release sixth album titled "Good" in April 1999. His first flagship song is "Hinakah".

This is how GIGI say hello to the world by throwing his latest album, Greetings Eighth. Year 2003 means the ninth year for the band called simple. Why but why the title Greetings Eighth? "Yes, because this is the album to-8, and by chance the recording process and the creation in 2002 was over yesterday fitting DENTAL they were 8 years old," said Armand vocalist who often wrote lyrics to TEETH. For three weeks in the studio DENTAL ngendon they carefully following album material mixing process. The material is actually much created outside the studio, as inspiring lyrics that suddenly came when exposed to jam or inspirational song when in the middle of the tour. The result is an even ten songs fill this album.

In terms of music DENTAL feel Greetings Eighth reflection of the condition of those who are relaxing break for 6 months results which turned out to be very useful in loosening pressure. Once relaxed, positive ideas that sank to arise spontaneously. Additionally GIGI is the first time the opportunity to collaborate with a sound engineer Stephan Santoso. "Playing off the four of us met with new ideas Stephan made many fresh nuances contained in our most recent album material. In terms of technique, this album does look a lot DENTAL music experience new things, one of which is a collaboration with Stephan TEETH. One thing that stands out here the rise of the lyrics are more straightforward and positive and vocal improvisation is not too much, "said Armand equip.

As a result the album is filled with colorful TEETH that might be a little surprising, but certainly refreshing. Just look at the album's opening song titled Accept Only. Beating drums from scratch really fun song to cover, plus a shout Nanananana, ... Nanananana Hoy, Hoy ... which pretty shocked but make fun. Imagine it if the song is performed directly by GIGI. "Sometimes in the songwriting, we think about how this song will be delivered directly later. Considering we liked the action stage can really play off in front of the audience of the song DENTAL with all the attractions and improvisation. Not to mention sing like this we can better interact with the audience there. It's exciting and makes us more enthusiasm, "said Armand again.

The second song DENTAL drove slowly in the Subject of Love. The theme especially if it is not love. The song lyrics were conceived via sms between Armand and Thomas is so superior song that has been heard on radio stations homeland. And it was also ruled much our charts. For video clips, Dimas Djayadingrat prepare a draft footage-from travel documentation at the Jakarta-Bandung DENTAL model clips, Nirina. For others there is a soft song Falling you. From the title once again been able to guess what the theme is. And again for the lyrics is the result rembukan duo Armand-Thomas.

GIGI rest more often plays a medium tempo and faster as I looked That You Want, Best Regards, Women, For you Friend, uncertainty, and End Secret Story. They are also a lot of play in the rhythm and the lyrics are more speak frankly. As unique composition titled Secret manly swagger which tells of a man on his manhood.

Overall this album DENTAL drove a smart moderate tempo. Whether it's from the sound drum, acoustic and distorted guitars or bass sound that is fresh in the ears combined. Maximizing energy four companions in the cast of the album. GIGI break period is over since the release of the album The Best of GIGI. Now they are back with a relaxed attitude positive fruitful. We welcome this first greeting DENTAL through Eighth Salam.

In 2004, GIGI back 'haunted' by trauma 'Removable' personnel. During cultivation of the album Original Sound Track (OST) Brownies Budhy Haryono for one reason or another are not able to participate actively in the recording studio. Because this album should be completed along with the release of the film will Beownies, the reference of Budhy and other agreements dilibatkanlah Hendy GIGI personnel as an additional player Haryono Budhy replaced. Album OST Brownies (which includes most anticipated albums of 2004 32 TH O magazine. XXVIII) was mixed with a dose of 5 new songs, 3 songs and 2 re arrangement picked songs from previous albums TEETH.

As a result, a pop sweet, sweet taste delicious BROWNIES.
Albums with recipes sprinkled with sweet pop song is easy listening, present as a movie soundtrack album of the same name, BROWNIES. Film director filmed the romantic comedy starring Hanung this Bramantyo Zallianty Marcella, Phillip, Arie MTV VJ and Bucek. The plot itself tells the story of a cosmopolitan girl who was looking for the meaning of a true love.

GIGI given full trust by Sinemart, production house working on these films, to make its soundtrack. This is what makes DENTAL DENTAL not lose color even have to keep sticking with the Brownies screenplay. The process of making the new songs on this album is quite simple. While imagining a scene per scene will appear, GIGI sit together while playing a guitar workshop held 'hollow' and created five new songs a fresh look. The presence Hendy who replaced Budhy was instrumental dialbum this. Hendy given the freedom to play according to his style and always be consulted in arranging a song. Additional drummer who has Erhandy Gusti's full name, has worked together with Erwin Gutawa Orchestra for concerts and Krisdayanti Tim Christensen.

Finally in the year 2009 to be exact in the 15nya birthday, GIGI issued new single skaligus launch her biography. This self-titled album is the album that regular TEETH to 11, from all of 18 albums. A bit weird actually because self title generally used on the first album. Seven other album in the form of a live concert, the best of, original sound track, and 4 religious album. (More can be seen at album consists of 9 songs medium beat, the lyrics are mostly themed love. But it was not love that melancholy especially whining.

The first single "Yes .. yes .. yes .." lyric tells of a young man who does not love his girlfriend wait statement. Cheerful melodies and quirky song.
There is also a song whose title is "My Facebook," a story about a person's encounter with his old girlfriend on facebook network. For fear of getting caught with pacaranya now, they communicate via the inbox of personal nature not wall that everyone can know.

All elements of sounds filled by GIGI, except for the song "Restu Love". In this song Addie MS wrote the orchestration for english horn and string section. As on previous albums, Armand, Budjana, Thomas, and Hendy contributed the song, and then arranged together. Especially for the lyrics Armand write more than others. Soft Launching TEETH album this time was very special because it is done in conjunction with the launch of a biography of 15-year-TOOTH, on March 31, 2009 in Jakarta Theatre XXI Ball Room. Even the art work and its themes are created equal. So the album cover to cover biography TEETH tooth will be the same.
