Biography Hoegeng - Police Most Honest In Indonesia

Biography Hoegeng - Police Most Honest In Indonesia
Hoegeng Imam Santoso is the eldest son of the couple Soekario kario Hatmodjo and Oemi Kalsoem. He was born on October 14, 1921 in Pekalongan. Despite coming from a family Priyayi (his father is an employee or amtenaar Dutch government), but the behavior of small Hoegeng show no arrogance, he even hung out with a lot of kids from the ordinary. Hoegeng had never questioned whether or not a person's nobility in the mix. Hoegeng childhood colored with simple life since Hoegeng father was homeless and private land, so he moved often rented house.

Small Hoegeng also educated in families that emphasized discipline in every way. Hoegeng received his primary education at the age of six in 1927 on Hollandsch Inlandsche School (HIS). Graduated from HIS in 1934, he entered the Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO), ie secondary education in Pekalongan. In 1937 after graduating MULO, he continued his education to the General Middlebare School (AMS) education at the high school in Yogyakarta. At the school at AMS, his talent in the field of language is very prominent. He is also known as a person who likes to talk and hang out with anyone without shy away by ignoring any race or nation.

Then in 1940, at the age of 19 years, he chose to continue his studies at Recht Hoge School (RHS) in Batavia. In 1950, following the Hoegeng Orientation Course at Provost Marshal General School at the Military Police School Port Gordon, George, United States. From there, he served as Head of the East Java Police DPKN in Surabaya (1952). Then became Head of the Criminal Investigation Police in North Sumatra (1956) in Medan. In 1959, following the Education Brimob education and became a staff directorate II State Police Headquarters (1960), Chief of the Bureau of Immigration (1960), Minister of State Luran (1965), and became the core of the Cabinet Secretary in 1966. After moving to the headquarters Hoegeng State Police career continues to climb. There, he was Deputy Operations Pangak (1966), and the Deputy Minister / Pangak Affairs Operations are still in 1966. Finally, on May 5, 1968, Hoegeng appointed as Head of State Police (1969, name later changed to Chief of Police), replacing Soetjipto Joedodihardjo.

Many things happened during the leadership of Police Chief Iman Santoso Hoegeng. First, Hoegeng to reform several areas related to organizational structure at the Police Headquarters. As a result, newer structures seem more dynamic and communicative. Second, is the matter of the name change led police headquarters. Under Decree 52 of 1969, the title Commander of the National Police (Pangak) was changed to Chief of Police (Chief of Police). That way, the name of the Police Force Headquarters was changed to the National Police Headquarters (Mabak).

That change brought a number of consequences for some agencies that are in the Chief of Police. For example, the Regional Police Commander designation (Pangdak) became Chief Regional Police or Kadapol. Similarly designation Seskoak be Seskopol. Under the leadership role of the police in Hoegeng map International Police organization, the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), the more active. It was marked by the opening of the Secretariat of the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol in Jakarta.

As long as he serves as Jakarta Police chief electrify the two cases. First cases of Yellow Sum, the rape of sellers eggs, Sumarijem, who alleged perpetrators kids patio officials in Yogyakarta. Ironically, even rape victim jailed by the police for allegedly giving false information. Then spread PKI is considered involved in illegal activities. Shades of engineering even brighter when the trial was held closed. The journalist who wrote the case should be dealt with Dandim Sum 096. Hoegeng act. We're not afraid of those people big one. We only fear God Almighty. So, even though his own family, if one still we follow. Geraklah the sooner the better, said Hoegeng on page 95.

Another case is scandalous smuggling luxury cars worth millions of dollars by Robby tjah so. Thanks to insurance, the employer is only a few hours in jail Komdak. It berkua sanya jaksaan the guarantor to Jakarta to freeze any case. Who is the guarantor that? But, undaunted Hoegeng. In the case of smuggling luxury cars next, Robby did not move. Officers who arrested for receiving bribes. Rumors that widely, because the bottom of this too in the erosive Hoegeng retired, October 2, 1971 from the office of Jakarta Police chief. This case turns out to involve a number of officials and military officers (pp. 118). Shadow many people, retirement is the first in the police would have been nice. Enjoy a luxurious stay home and its contents, the vehicle is ready to use. All were obtained from the employers bribe.

The case is then widely suspected as the cause of removal Hoegeng by Soeharto. Hoegeng retired by President Soeharto at the age of 49 years, when he was doing the cleaning at the police. The news was received Hoegeng removal of a sudden. Then Hoegeng offered Suharto to become ambassador in a country in Europe, but he refused. The reason is because he is a police officer and not a politician.

"Once retired, Mr. subsequently reported to his mother. And she just told, finish tasks with honesty. Because we are still able to eat rice with salt, "said Roelani. "And the word that's who strengthens me," he added.

Hoegeng dismissed from his post as Chief of Police on October 2, 1971, and he was later replaced by the Commissioner of Police General Drs. Moh. Hasan. Dismissal from office Hoegeng this leaves a question mark on them because of his tenure as police chief was not yet exhausted. Various speculations arising in connection with the dismissal, among others, due to too popular figure among the press and the public. In addition there is a mention that he changed his wisdom on the use of helmet which was considered very controversial.

It turned out good time does not apply to Hoegeng that anti bribed. Men who had been named as the Man of the Year 1970 was retired without a home, vehicle, or luxury goods. Home office belongs to the administration of the Police Hoegeng. Some venture to buy a car Kingswood police chief, who later became the only car that he miliki.Pengabdian-full of Pak Hoegeng certainly brings consequences for everyday life. Never dituturkannya once, after quitting from the Police Chief and the pending retirement, a time he did not know what they could be eaten by the family because the house had run out of rice.

Hoegeng is a simple, he taught his wife and children the meaning of discipline and honesty. All families are forbidden to use the facilities as the son of a police chief.

"Even the children did not dare to ask for a bike too," said Merry.

Aditya, a son of Hoegeng recalled, when a brand Lambretta motor company sends two motorcycles, the father immediately asked his aide to return the gift item. "And I, who was still young so badly," recalls Didit. Because honestly, has a new home while Hoegeng retirement. Police courtesy successor, the official residence in Menteng Jakarta became the center of a family-owned Hoegeng. Of course, they fill the house, after the entire inventory of office furniture it all back.

Hoegeng retire to spend time with to pursue his hobby as a teenager, which is playing Hawaiian music and painting. The painting is then the source Hoegeng to fund family. Because you need to know, retired Hoegeng until 2001 only amounted to 10,000, it is only acceptable for Rp.7500! In the show Kick Andy, Aditya shows a decree on his salary changes in 2001, which suggests that changes in the salary of a retired General Hoegeng of Rp. 10,000 to Rp.1.170.000. On July 14, 2004, died Hoegeng Madura Hospital, Jakarta in the age to 83 years. He died of heart disease and stroke he suffered. Hoegeng spare time with hobbies painting.

That's just a few notes to Mr. Hoegeng memories that just leaves us. A life that is always honest, who became a symbol for an honest living, and the living symbol of the honesty.
