Biography of Farrah Gray - Billionaire youngest Since Age 14 Years

Biography of Farrah Gray - Billionaire youngest Since Age 14 Years
Farrah Gray is a boy who came from a minority in America, and he is still a part of the minority. The difference is, if the first Gray is an African-American poor, who are a minority in America, so now it has been transformed into a young billionaire, who is also a minority in this world, because it has become part of the 1% of the world's population who control the circulation of money . Gray journey to success you could say that "instant". 

But, perhaps more precisely, if the so-called "speeding", because he really achieve their dreams by their own efforts and the support of family and colleagues. Gray is a young man who so inspired many people. Previously, the man born in 1984 was living with his family in an apartment lower classes, who often jammed toilets and many inhabited cockroaches. His affection towards family made him want to give the best for them, what he often saw on the television screen.

Mind Farrah Gray who had been so forward makes it decide to make money by selling when he was 6 years old. What he was selling at that time was quite simply, is a stone which he painted himself as a door wedge. He sells around from house to house, and even making her own cards. Inside the card, she called herself a "21st Century CEO."

One time, he gave his business card to someone named Roy Tauer. Of course he was impressed with the cards reading "21st Century CEO" owned by a boy of about 8 year's time. Tauer then see the ambition entrepreneurship within Gray, so she took her business to establish a club called UNEEC (pronounced Unique, short for Urban Neighborhood Economic Enterprise Club). The club itself is an organization that encourages young people to become entrepreneurs.
Business travel Farrah Gray continued to flow, and Gray even managed to have an office on Wall Street, so he became the youngest person there!
At the age of 11, Farrah Gray then got the first interview on KVBC Channel 3. Three years later, at the age of 14, Gray was officially managed to become a young millionaire from sales through the $ 1.5 million dollars from the company Farr-Out Food hers. Her empire grew more when he acquired Innercity magazine at the age of 19 years.

Thanks Farrah Gray gait in business and leadership and integrity, he received honorary doctorate from Allen University. The books he wrote were selling well, and the book that catapulted him entitled Reallionaire been praised various groups, including former U.S. president Bill Clinton and author of Chicken Soup For The Soul, Jack Canfield and Mark V. Hansen.

With a variety of extraordinary accomplishments and his young age, the Gray certainly still have a lot of goals. Gray said that his goal in life is to continue to grow, thrive, and contribute or contribute to society. Social soul has he proved with the establishment of Farrah Gray Foundation, a foundation that focuses on entrepreneurship education for young people, in which he donates honorarium as a speaker.

Farrah Gray is a young dynamic and optimistic, always believe in the words of his grandmother, which reads:
"'If better is possible, than good is just not enough." (If we could do better, then good is not enough.).
