Biography of George Soros - Men's The Crush Pound

Born with the full name of György Schwartz or get to know the world with George Soros. George Soros (Shorosh) was born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. He is also known as György Schwartz a financial speculator, stock investor, philanthropist and a political activist in America. He was a radical capitalist, business finance and economics, stock investors, and political activist American citizen. George Soros is a Jew and had been imprisoned during World War I.

Male Birth of Hungarian Jewish nationality is much bitter bitter experience of Nazi atrocities, the Soviet occupation and terlunta-luntanya live in London, which forms the personality as it is today. In 1947 left Hungary to London. Here he was educated at the London School of Economics. That's when he met directly with the philosopher Karl Popper, who wrote a book titled "The Open Society and Its Enemies." At the age of nearly 50 years of intellectual George Soros nearly U.S. $ 100 million, a third of private wealth. An amount that is more than enough for family life Soros. From here began to think, what to do. It was decided to form the Open Society Institute with the goal of advancing a closed society; make open societies are better able to survive; promote critical thinking mode.

With the Soros foundation that helps countries (former) Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe stood up and other countries in Asia and Latin America Some have succeeded but others failed. Last straw was when he was campaigning against the re-election of President George W. Bush in 2004. As he acknowledges, the role of a statesman without a state like this because there are three things about him. The first has the capability in terms of developing a conceptual framework, the second founder of ethical beliefs and political firm and third because they have a lot of money.

Aside from being the founder of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute, and also served as Managing Director of the agency Council on Foreign Relations, he is also a lot to give assistance to the Party Labor Solidarity in Poland, Institute of Humanitarian Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia (now Rep. Republic), and active contribution to a political party in the Soviet Union were highly influential. Funds and organization of Georgia's Rose Revolution agencies (agency touted as the largest institution of institutions ever established), which he founded is also going well. In the United States it is known as the largest contributor since the era of President George W. Bush failed and was re-elected President of the United States.

Its companies in Indonesia, among others, in Asia, George Soros is famous for his actions that destabilize and cause the economic crisis in Asia, some of the most affected countries are South Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand, which causes the currency to these countries is low even to this day feel the effect (U.S. dollar against the rupiah Indonesia used around 2000-2400, now 9000-9500). Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines were also affected but not as big as the previous three states. China, Taiwan, and Singapore are virtually unaffected. Japan is not affected much but the long-term economic trouble. Generally, in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, Soros is considered more negative as economic crimes that made Asia's economic instability, due to the large amount of money deposits rocked value of Asian currencies.
