7 Indonesian Traditional House

1. Rumoh Aceh (Aceh Traditional House)

Rumah Adat Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

2. Hall houses Batak Toba (North Sumatra Traditional House)

Rumah Adat Sumatera Utara/Sumut

3. Gadang House (West Sumatera Traditional House)

Rumah Adat Sumatera Barat/Sumbar

4. Malay house Selaso Falling Twins (traditional house of Riau Islands)

Rumah Adat Kepulauan Riau

5. Stage house (traditional house of Jambi Province)

Rumah Adat Provinsi Jambi

6. Limas House (House of Peoples of South Sumatra Province)

7. Heresy Nuwo house (traditional house of Lampung Province)

Rumah Adat Provinsi Lampung

Renowned for its variety of Indonesian culture, both types of dance culture, there is a tradition, language and even the home. Next I will describe 7 Traditional House Indonesia Part One.
