7 Universities Best and Famous in Indonesia

7 Universities Best and Famous in Indonesia
1. University of Indonesia (UI)

The third quarter of last year, the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), from the UK published a report ranking universities worldwide. As a result, the University of Indonesia (UI) is in position 250 of the 520 best college wide.

Nationally, UI bully. THES assessed based on four factors: quality of research, the absorption of graduates into the labor market, international achievements, as well as the quality of teaching. "This picture of the quality of the University of Indonesia in the eyes of the world," said UI Rector Usman Chatib Warsa.

Quality of the Faculty of Economics graduate college has long been known reliable. Even the country's economic thinking was much influenced graduates. Survey Results and Analysis Data Center Tempo (| Registration |) last year also proved the quality of courses in Accounting and Management Science topped than all university campuses in the country.

No wonder if five of the 12 faculties in universities is always flooded with applicants. In addition to the Faculty of Economics, as well as the Faculty of Medicine, Law, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Political Science. Currently, about 39,000 students at home and abroad are studying in Universtas Indonesia.

2. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Information Engineering, Mining, Petroleum, Geophysics, and Chemistry majors that are a mainstay of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). College is claimed, 50 percent of students are "diijon" companies before they graduate.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof Dr Adang Surachman called ITB graduates branded as seeds. Naturally, if 100 percent of its graduates are always absorbed in the world of work. "Students who graduate with a grade point only two were still accepted in large companies" said Adang.

Scholarships are usually a dowry. For example, a multinational oil company of Norway, recently gave scholarships for petroleum engineering students. If an offer is received, meaning that students are bound by contract to work at the company after graduation.

Although famous as a producer of the most popular builders engineer, survey results | Registration | view not all majors ITB bully. Faculty of Architectural Engineering ITB only ranked third - lost by Technical Architecture Parahyangan University, Bandung which occupies the top position and the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta in second.

3. Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Yogyakarta is known as the city of a thousand campus. Among universities, the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the most shining. Not only at the provincial level, the light also beat other universities in the country.

Some majors are there even the best. | Registration | discovered, the Faculty of Law at GMU is still the best in the country. Competition applicants to be accepted there recorded the most stringent than the University of Indonesia and the subsequent Padjajaran underneath.

But in general the faculties of UGM more finished runner-up to haunt the University of Indonesia. For example, faculty of Medicine, Majamenen, and English Literature. Even the Communication Studies UGM was third under the University of Indonesia and University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.

Rector, Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi also present the facts, in the last five years, the Faculty of Medicine at the most popular. "Of the 120 applicants, only one of which we have received," said Sofian proud. Still there are some majors that always floods enthusiasts such as the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economics, especially Science in Accounting and Management.

For Sofian, the concept of the university should be construed as a center of science and technology. Hence he does not agree that university is only associated with the corporate world. "But that does not mean we rule out the market's requirements," he said. To meet the needs of the market, opened this year's UGM Faculty of Information Technology and Multimedia.

4. Bogor Agricultural University

Although labeled agriculture graduates Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is not only struggling in the food business. They do their own surveys, more than 40 percent of graduates actually pursue different professions with the knowledge that they download in college. For example, many of Agricultural Technology graduates working in private banks, real estate development company, or journalists.

According IPB Rector Prof Dr Ir Ahmad Ansori Mattjik, it's not a new phenomenon. This phenomenon is demonstrated educational excellence in IPB. Higher education is provided supplies expertise to each student. Special expertise is named for the major-minor program.

The program provides the opportunity to take some eye skill students (majors) of interest. For example, a student of Veterinary Medicine (major) can take courses expertise Statistics (minor) in the Department of Mathematics. With this provision, the vet IPB graduates can work in a company that does require a statistician.

5. Tenth of November Institute of Technology

This college is inaugurated President Soekarno, November 10, 1957. He was relatively young compared to the colleges of other leading countries. But instead ITS leaders see the high morale of the teachers who are relatively young. "From a thousand lecturers ITS, about 60 percent aged 40 to 50 years with a Doctorate and Master," said the rector Prof Dr Mohammad Nuh.

More value, they show a variety of creative and innovative results. They always triumphed in the contest robot (maritime challenge) and software development (software development). The contest is held every year is an effort ITS combines science with entertainment.

According to Mohammad Nuh, who led the institute to boost science is more popular. This approach is assessed in accordance with the spirit of young people who are happy with popular science. With so students stimulated to develop themselves as occupied areas is preferred. "That's what distinguishes us from other campuses," he said.

Subject is a mainstay of ITS and always attract a lot of interest among Computer Science, Electrical, and industry. Graduates, capable of filling a large enough market needs. Faculty of Marine Technology consists of Shipping and Marine Engineering Mechanical characterizes excellence as well as ITS. While other faculty at this college in general rank is still below other public universities are opening Engineering department, such as ITB or UI.

6. Universitas Trisakti

Each year the Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti never quiet enthusiasts. More than a thousand prospective students compete win 300 seats available. According to the Vice Rector I Ir. Asri N.I. Adjidarmo MS allotted 300 seats, 50 of which were booked prospective students from the neighboring country, Malaysia. "Malaysia asked for more. But we can only give 50 seats," said Asri.

Since 1998, the chart Fakulas admission in medicine, dentistry, and law tends to increase. Asri suspect, the symptoms associated with the success of Trisakti for print-quality graduates. Although, according to survey | Registration |, Medicine Trisaksi ranked eighth, but among private universities rank they are the best.

In addition to medicine, another course at Trisakti it looks shiny among other private colleges. Call it diantaraya Accounting and Management Program. Even the Industrial Engineering Program in third place nationally designated other state universities. | Registration | Survey two years ago showed Trisakti considered as the most favorite private universities in Indonesia.

7. Diponegoro University

Every year the government of Saudi Arabia provides a "quota" vacancies for graduates 2,000 people of Nursing University of Diponegoro (Diponegoro University). Unfortunately universities Semarang was only able to fill a small proportion. "Our nursing Luluskan only 120 people each year. Was also not all are willing to work in Saudi Arabia," said the rector Prof. Dr. Susilo Wibowo.

In addition to nursing, Undip also featured among the faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources that had been deemed to be the best in Indonesia. This position is because they have a wide range of supporting facilities are better than similar faculty at other universities. "Our faculty is in Jepara. Facilities available marine vessels up there," said Susilo.

Nationally, the survey | Registration | courses are the most popular, showing Undip still occupy the top five positions. A course including Accounting Program, Medicine, Literature, and Law.

One interesting thing, Undip teaches entrepreneurial spirit to the academic community with the practice directly. Since three months ago, about 200 students joined the opening of business ranging from selling clothes, kiosks, cafes, copy, stationery, printing, shoting video, and others. Various businesses that are in the neighborhood Undip.
