The types of insecticides

Insecticides can be divided into organic and inorganic groups.  contains elements Insekstisida organic carbon while inorganic insecticides are not. Organic Insecticides generally are natural, that is derived from living so called biological insecticide.

1. Synthetic insecticides

Synthetic organic insecticide that is widely used is divided into several major categories: 

2. Organophosphate compounds

Insecticide group is made up of organic molecules by the addition of phosphate.  synthetic insecticides are included in this group are chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, Pirimphos-methyl, Fenitrothion and Malathion. 

3. Organochlorines compounds

Insecticide group is made up of organic molecules by the addition of chlorine.  are very persistent organochlorine insecticides, which remains active compounds mashi for years.  Therefore, the present class of organochlorine insecticides has been banned due to a devastating effect on environment. Examples of classes of organochlorine insecticides are Lindane, chlordane, and DDT. 

4. Carbamate

Carbamate class of insecticides known to be effectively shut down many types of pests at high temperature and leaving residues in moderation.  However, the carbamate insecticide will decompose in the atmosphere that is too alkaline. One example often used is carbamates bendiokarbamat. 

5. Pirethrin / Pirethroid Synthetic

Insecticide group consists of two katergori, the backwardly fotostabil and non fotostabil bersfiat not yet kemostabil. The product is often mixed with other compounds to produce a better effect. One example of this is a permethrin insecticide product.

6. Insect Growth Regulator

This group of insecticides is a hormone that plays a role in the growth cycle of insects, such as inhibiting normal development. Some examples of products is Methoprene, Hydramethylnon, Pyriproxyfen, and Flufenoxuron. 

7. Fumigant

Fumigants are volatile gases that can kill insect pests.  fumigants should only be used by trained personnel due to its high level of toxicity.  Examples Methyl Bromide (CH3Br), Aluminium phosphite, phosphite Magnesium, Calcium Cyanide , and Hydrogen Cyanide. 

8. Biological Insecticide

a. Although better known insecticides are synthetic compounds, but there is also a natural insecticide derived from bacteria, trees, and flowers.

b. Silica (SiO2) is an inorganic insecticide that works by removing the veil of wax on the cuticle of insects causing suffocation. Insecticides of this type are often made of diatomaceous earth or kieselgurh, composed of molecules diatoms Bacillariophyceae. 

c. Boric acid (H3BO3) is an inorganic insecticide used to attract ants. 

d. Pirethrum is a natural organic insecticide derived from the chrysanthemum flower heads tropics.  These compounds have inhibitory ability of both insects at low concentrations.  However, associated with the extraction process, these compounds are very expensive. 
e. Rotenon is a natural organic insecticide derived from Derris tree. This compound serves as insecticides that attack the body surface pests. 

f. Neem is an extract from the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica).  The use of Neem as a biological insecticide began 40 years ago.  Extracts of neem interfere with the activity of the digestive system of insects, particularly the class of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies and their larvae).  In addition, neem also acts as a growth regulator which causes some kind of insect larvae kept in condition and can not grow up. 

g. The bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis produce Bt toxin that can kill insects that eat them. Bt toxin is active in alkaline pH and cause gastrointestinal insect holes that lead to death.  The researchers have succeeded in transferring genes involved in the production of Bt toxin B . thuringiensis into cotton plants so that the insects that eat the cotton plant will die. Cotton Bt transgenic organism is one of the most widely grown in the world. 
