7 Causes of Difficult Sleep

7 Causes of Difficult Sleep1. Health problems

Difficulty sleeping can also be related to a medical condition. With lung disease or asthma, for example, shortness of breath and wheeze course can disrupt sleep. Moreover, if this occurs during the early days. If you have heart disease, you may have an abnormal breathing pattern. Parkinson's and other neurological diseases also raises insomnia as a side effect.

2. Drugs

Drug-free or by prescription, can disrupt sleep patterns. Especially if you eat before bedtime or excessive dose.

3. Stress and mental problems

Disturbed sleep or insomnia is a blend of the symptoms and effects of depression and anxiety. Because the brain uses 'signals' like to schedule sleep and emotions, it is difficult to determine which ones should be raised first. Circumstances or events that create stress, such as money or marital problems, very powerful to trigger insomnia. In fact, it could be a problem this will be prolonged.

4. Ill

In one study revealed that about 15 percent of people who suffer from chronic diseases, at least two-thirds of them reported having trouble sleeping. Back pain, headaches, and problems with the joints become major cause of insomnia.

5. Jet lag

Crossing time zones can disrupt this biological clock. Jam who ordered his brain to sleep when it's dark and wake up when the light. Your body can adjust to the new changes in three days. If you often crossing multiple time zones, jet lag can cause sleep problems.

6. Hormonal changes

Menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy is a major source of sleep problems in women. Heat rash, breast problems, or frequent urination also disrupt regular sleeping patterns. According to an agency that handles sleep problems, about 40 percent are experiencing a transitional period before menopause often have trouble sleeping.

7. Changes in working hours

Working hours as opposed to normal sleeping hours. People who frequently change working hours decreased levels of serotonin, a hormone and nerve sender contained in the central nervous system that helps regulate sleep.
