Conditional sentences
Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan. Conditional clause sering disebut kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat pengandaian terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu main clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause (anak kalimat). Dalam if clause terkandung syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Oleh karena itu, conditional sentences disebut juga kalimat bersyarat. Conditional sentences pada umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
a. digunakannya kata if dalam anak kalimat (sub clause). Karena clause ini diawali oleh if maka disebut if clause.
b. digunakannya modal auxiliary, seperti will, can, may, must, would, could, might, etc. pada pokok kalimat (main clause).
Ada beberapa tipe Conditional Sentence, yaitu:
- Type I : Future
- Type II : Present
3. Type III : Past
1. Type I: Simple future (main clause) + Simple present (If clause)
Menyatakan pengandaian yangmungkin terjadi di masa depan
If + Present tense + , + Future tense
Future tense + if + Present tense
Example: If I have money, I will buy a beautiful flower for you.
If we are diligent, we will be smart.
If I let you go, you will come back at middle night.
If I meet Dahlan Iskan, I will take a picture with him.
I will buy a beautiful flower for you if I have money.
We will be smart if we are diligent.
You will come back at middle night if I let you go.
I will take a picture with him if I meet Dahlan Iskan.
2. Type II: Simple past future (main clause) + Simple past (If clause)
Menyatakan pengandaian yang sulit menjadi kenyataan karena berlawanan dengan kondisi saat ini.
If + Past tense + , + Simple past future
Simple past future + if + Past tense
Note : - Semua subject dalam past tense menggunakan WERE
- The fact dari Type II ini menggunakan simple present tense
Example : If she were my mother, I would obey her.
The Fact = She isn’t my mother, so I don’t obey her.
Example: If he didn’t pass the exam, he would repeat the test.
If I knew this problem before, I would tell you about it.
If you invited him, he would come.
If we knew your address, we would visit you.
He would repeat the test if he didn’t pass the exam.
I would tell you about it if I knew this problem before.
He would come if you invited him.
We would visit you if we knew your address.
3. Type III: Past future perfect (main clause) + Past perfect (If clause)
Menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena berlawanan dengan kondisi masa lampau.
If + Past perfect tense + , + Past perfect future tense
Past perfect future tense + if + Pas perfect tense
Note: - The fact dari type III ini menggunakan simple past
Example: If I had found the book, I would have given it to you.
The fact = I didn’t find the book, so I didn’t give it to you.
Example: If she had had enough money last week, she would have bought the coat.
If he had done my job, I would have given him money.
If they had come earlier, they would have met Ustad Maulana.
If I had had much money, I would have gone for pilgrimage at Makkah.
She would have bought the coat if she had had enough money last week.
I would have given him money if he had done my job.
They would have met Ustad Maulana if they had come earlier.
I would have gone for pilgrimage at Makkah if I had much money.