7 Most Bizarre Weddings World

7 Pernikahan Paling Aneh di Dunia Marriage is a promise binding marriage ceremony celebrated or performed by two persons with the purpose of formalizing the bonds of marriage is religious law, state law, and customary law.

Wedding ceremony has many modes and variations among nations, tribes and other one on one's race, religion, culture, or social class. Use custom or specific arrangements are sometimes associated with the rule or law by certain religions.

Here's 7 Most Bizarre Weddings World

1. Couples who married in Platform

And obviously jumped after saying yes. Jeroen and Sandra Kippers of Brussels, Belgium, has taken on stage by crane up 160 meters in the air for their wedding ceremony. They were joined by the officiant and about 20 guests. other platforms hold musicians. After the oath, they managed to official by bungee-jumping as well! Enterprise behind crazy wedding - Wedding In Sky - have been inundated demand from couples desperate to fling themselves from the ends of the alley. But marriage end sensation-seekers' should not end there - after the wedding have all been lowered back to earth, guests can head skywards again - for a floating reception. Stunning Wedding guests with a three-course wedding breakfast - all while tied to a chair eating. The cost for a spectacular ceremony? Around £ 25,000.

2. Chinese bride wearing a wedding long-200m world record

Bride from Guangzhou, China, the longest bridal train record at 219 meters in the world. Chinese bridal gown accented with a car that is more than 600 feet long and weighing more than 220 lbs. Xie Qiyun had a photo taken in front of a hotel in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province on her special day. According to Guinness, the longest wedding dress train measured 1362 m [4468 ft 5.94 in] and was created by Andreas Evstratiou in Paphos, Cyprus, in February 2007.

3. Couples who marry at T.J. Maxx

Who does not feel good cheap pocket outlook? Bride Lisa Satayut decided to combine that feeling of excitement over bagging her boyfriend. Explaining that T.J. Maxx is her "happy place," Satayut married Drew Ellis in the size 8 shoe aisle of TJ Maxx store in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Bride - self-stated "'Maxxinista" - imposing white chiffon strapless gown with long black gloves and bright green gladiator-style sandals. A widened aisle, vine curves closed and white chairs with red tape highlighted the traditional ceremony that included string music, screen-ward cameraman - and curious shoppers who stopped bargain hunting long enough to watch.

4. Male bridegroom wedding decorated with roses 99.999 surprise bride

Groom Xiao Wang spent a year salary 99.999 buy red roses for his bride, Xiao Liu, for their wedding done in Chongqing, central China, where the number 999 is considered a good luck omen. The couple, both 24 years old, needed 30 cars to take the flowers to the service. They advertised on the internet for car owners and helpers to stick the flowers in the vehicle.

The flowers themselves were flown in from the other side of the country. "I remembered that Liu loved these special roses and the idea just grew and grew. No wasted all just to see his face expression when he saw the car, "said groom Wang. Liu who met Wang while they are at University together added, 'I mentioned last year that I would like a romantic wedding, I can not believe he remembered, but it was incredible. "As for the man also contribute 20% of the cost of roses to charity to get a better luck.

5. Women who marry a dead fiancé in the morgue

A heartbroken mother decided to "marry" her fiance was killed in the hospital morgue. Irish father-of-two Kevin Lavelle, 29, was brutally beaten with iron rods in gruesome gang attack while working away from home to collect money for the wedding to fiancee Michelle Thomas. The father cares attacked by nine louts and beaten to death when he returned to the inn in Banbury, Oxfordshire. But even death could not keep him and Michelle apart. Despite unbearable pain, Michelle held a "wedding" in the morgue of Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital, where Kevin lay dead.

Touching ceremony - witnessed by close family and friends - committed by Catholic priests who run the hospital last Rite for Kevin. In front of an open refrigerator, the priest blessed the wedding rings that Michelle had bought specially for this service. Their two children, James, now five, and Megan, now four, went to their father's funeral they should be worn to dress for the wedding of their parents. The priest asked Michelle if she would take Kevin to be "legally married husband" and he said "I do". Kevin's dad Paddy placed a ring on Michelle's finger and ring finger placed on Kevin when he was lying in a coffin.

6. Married couples in the shark tank

April Pignataro and Michael Curry of New York City got married in June 2010. Impose bride and groom white wetsuit impose traditional black wetsuit as they climbed inside a 120,000 gallon shark tank to take their oath at Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead, NY Both are experienced divers and protected by a cage as sand sharks, nurse sharks , eels and giant grouper around. They charge scuba gear and microphones published their words to each other, as well as friends and family. They say their "I dos" over a radio transmitter with the officiant who did not get into the tank.

7. Couples who tied the knot at NASCAR's Daytona 500

You do not have to Dale Earnhardt Jr. to find love in the fast lane. Last Valentine's Day, 31 NASCAR- loving couples said "I do" at Daytona International Speedway; thousands of fans, friends, and family view from grandstand. Pair, Bryan Willey and Stacee Kennedy, even exchanged rings NASCAR-style: with tattoos. This track also offers nongroup wedding packages that include race past the two, a bottle of champagne, the notary, and the option to hold your reception in a room overlooking the well-known song.
