Here are 7 World's Most Expensive Signatures
1. The signature of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare signature belongs to the original estimated there are only 6 in the world by value of each signature $ 5 million to make the signature belongs to the signature of William Shakespeare's most expensive ever in the world.
2. Signature of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
3. Signature of John Lennon
4. Jimmy Page's Signature
Jimmy Page's is a famous guitarist, when he signed his guitar sebuag sold at £ 49,000. Led Zeppelin star who started his career as a studio session guitarist in London and has been inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame twice.
5. Jimmy Hendrix Signature
piece of paper signed by Jimmy Hendrix has a starting price of £ 41,000. rocker, who died aged 27, was widely regarded as a great guitarist in rock history.