7 Strange and Unique Graves

1. Cemetery Newgrage

Cemetery that is located in the Irish state is one of the buildings or
prehistoric monuments of the most impressive and magnificent in the world. Built
circa 3300 to 2900 BC, the tomb of mystery
This includes very large. Building area round like
This bunker has an area 4046 square meters with a height of 12 meters.

The building is actually made up of an arrangement of stones is very neat and
there are a number of relics of carved stone megaliths. It shows
that solid building does have a very old age, even
older than the pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge.

2. Tana Toraja

One of the cultural heritage that Indonesia has a very famous up abroad. Tana Toraja has a ritual burial
considered the most complicated in the world. Pemakamani ceremony is called the
Signs Solo. Signs Solo is a customary funeral rites requires that the deceased family made a party as a sign
last respects to the deceased has gone. Which makes complicated,
Signs Solo is that the ceremony has a number of levels,
depending on the social strata the deceased and his family.

The most interesting thing is that when the last stage where the ceremony Signs Solo bodies were taken to a special cliff for a funeral. Usually body along with the statue symbolizes self portrayal late
called by the name of Tau-tau. What is surprising is that the body
saved in the cliff just put it and miraculously did not
never smelled a foul odor emanating.

3. Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a very famous gothic church in London.
In the building of the church and it is not as grand seheboh
ancient buildings of the other. But what makes the building
built by Benedictine priest in the 10th century is who
buried there. Westminster Abbey is the burial place of the
British kings and other nobles.

In its development, the tomb is the last place for
great people such as Geoffrey Chaucer English, Charles
Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Tennyson, Sir Isaac
Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ernest Rutherford.

4. Giza Necropolis

Nothing can equal the cemetery's most majestic, large,
wide, even the most mysterious in the world than Giza Necropolis.
Egyptian king's burial complex consists of the Great Pyramid of Giza,
Pyramid of Khafre, Menkaure Pyramids, Sphinx, as well as some
other small pyramids surrounding it.

One of the wonders of this unique triangular shaped cemetery was
after properly measured by a number of experts, the pyramid was just
has a margin of error of 58 millimeters!

5. Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings in Egypt that became known as the
In 1922, an expert on Egyptian culture and Howard Carter discovered
opened the tomb of Tutankhamen. This is where rampant 'curse' for those who
open tomb. Then one by one of the discoverers of the tomb
ancient die with the consequences.

Due to the 'curse' that is the Valley of the Kings became very famous as well
discovery well had there was exceptional, like a mask
Gold King Tut.

6. Catacombs of Paris

Kinda hard to describe what is the meaning of the catacomb, but could be interpreted as
underground halls, halls sometimes have a dependent
what the room needs to be made. Catacomb of the most
famous is located in the city of Paris, France.

In the 1700s, the city of Paris suffering from some sort of disease caused
by the lack of proper mass burial in a common grave. Ruler
city finally decided to move all the bones in the
some town halls in Paris unused.

So, be the bones of its skull was placed there
and arranged in such a way in the hallways. Which
be fabulous is the underground passageway in use for
arrange the bones are reaching a length of 300 km!
To maintain the authenticity of a room full of the bones,
municipalities only permit open little access to the Catacomb of Paris.

7. Terracotta Army

Perhaps the finding of the existence of China's military sculpture to date
This is still not finished digging. Terracotta army
amazing it was buried and forgotten by history, and new
was rediscovered in 1974. The inventor is Yang Peiyan and
some farmers who were working the land.

These findings open the veil of mystery being torn Emperor Qin Shihuang's tomb
which is the first emperor of China that cross the plains
China. China's Terracotta Army measuring 8,000 troops, and the
The most unique, each sculpture is unique and made one by one so that
no pictures of the same face of the statue. Force was created to
protect the emperor in the afterlife.
