How proper use of pesticides is one of the important factors in determining the success of pest control. Although this type of effective medicine, but due to improper use, it causes the futility of spraying. Things that need to be considered in the use of pesticides, which are the state of wind, air temperature, humidity and rainfall. The winds are calm and stable will reduce pelayangan pesticide particles in the air. If the temperature at the bottom of the hotter, the pesticide will move up to the top. Similarly high humidity will facilitate the hydrolysis of pesticide particles that cause lack of toxicity. Moderate rainfall can cause leaching of pesticides, further reduced the power of the pesticide.

Technical matters that need to be considered in the use of pesticides is the accuracy of dosing. Doses that are too high will lead to wastage of pesticides, in addition to damaging the environment. Doses that are too low causing the target pest is not dead. In addition to resulting in accelerating the emergence of resistance.

1. Dose is the amount of pesticide dosage in liters or kilograms of pesticides are used to control certain pests per unit area or per plant were carried out in one or more applications. There is also a mean dose is the amount of pesticides that have been mixed or diluted with water used to spray pests with a particular unit area. Dose of the active ingredient is the amount of pesticide active ingredient required for the purposes of unit area or unit volume of solution. The amount of a pesticide dosage is usually listed in the pesticide label.

2. The concentration of pesticides There are three kinds of concentration to consider in terms of pesticide use. The concentration of the active ingredient, ie the percentage of the active ingredient of a pesticide in a solution that is mixed with water. Concentration formulations, ie the number of pesticides in cc or grams per liter of water. Concentration or concentration of pesticides, the percentage content of pesticides in a solution so.

3. Sprayer equipment for pesticide application consists of an assortment of like a knapsack sprayer (high volume) usually with a volume of about 500 liters of solution concentration. Mist blower (low volume) usually with a volume of around 100 liters of solution concentration. And atomizer (ultra low volume) is typically less than 5 liters.

4. Droplet size There are various droplet sizes: coarse spray Veri over 300 μm 400-500 μm Medium Coarse spray spray spray 250-400 μm 100-250 μm Fine Mist Aerosol 0.1 to 50 μm 50-100 μm 5-15 μm Fog

5. Particle Size There are various particle size: 300 μm Microgranules Macrogranules over 100-300 μm 44-100 μm dusts comes Coarse Fine dusts comes less than 44 μm Smoke 0.001 to 0.1 μm

6. Size is only one kind of molecule, less yatu 0.001 μm
