Pesticides can be classified into many kinds on the basis of function and origin he said. Classification is presented as follows.:

1. Acaricides, derived from the word akari which in Greek means mites or lice. Acaricides often referred to as mitesida. Its function is to kill mites or lice.
2. Algisida, derived from the algae which in Latin means seaweed. Serves to fight alge.
3. Avisida, derived from the word in Latin avis which means bird. Serves as a murderer or a bird repellent substances and controlling bird populations.
4. Bactericidal, derived from the Latin or Greek word bacron bacterium. Serves to fight bacteria.
5. Fungicides, derived from the Latin word fungus or spongos Greek word which means mushroom. Used to kill mold or fungi.
6. Herbicides, derived from the Latin word meaning herbaceous crops a year. Functioning kill weeds (plants bullies).
7. Insecticides, derived from the Latin word meaning insectum pieces, cutouts or body segment. Used to kill insects.
8. Larvisida, derived from the Greek word lar. Used to kill caterpillars or larvae.
9. Molluksisida, derived from the Greek word meaning molluscus thin jacketed soft. Used to kill snails.
10. Nematisida, derived from the Latin or Greek nematode NEMA meaning thread. Used to kill nematodes (a kind of worm that lives in the roots).
11. Ovisida, derived from the Latin word ovum meaning egg. Used to kill the eggs.
12. Pedukulisida, derived from the Latin word pedis means ticks, lice. Used to kill fleas or lice.
13. Piscisida, derived from the Greek word meaning fish piscis. Used to kill fish.
14. Rodenticides, derived from the Greek word meaning rodera rodents. Used to kill rodents, such as mice.
15. Predisida, derived from the Greek word meaning praeda predators. Used to kill prey (predator).
16. Silvisida, derived from the Latin word silva meaning forest. Used to kill trees.
17. Termisida, derived from the Greek word meaning Termes leaf insect pit. Used to kill termites.

Here are some chemicals that include pesticides, but his name does not use suffixes sida:

1. Attractants, scent chemicals that can cause insects to become interested. So it can be used as a towing and catch insects with traps.
2. Kemosterilan, a substance that serves to sterilize insects or vertebrates.
3. Defoliant, substance used to knock out the leaves to facilitate harvesting, used on cotton and soybean crops.
4. Desiccant. substance used to dry leaves or other plant parts.
5. Disinfectant, a substance used to kill or inactivate microorganisms.
6. Growth regulators. Substances that can slow down, speed up and stop the growth of plants.
7. Repellent, a substance that serves as a repellent or insect blocker or other pests. For example camphor for flea repellent, mosquito repellent oil sereb for.
8. Sterilan land, a substance that serves to sterilize the soil of micro organisms or weed seeds.
9. Wood preservatives, usually used pentaclilorophenol (PCP).
10. Stickers, adhesive substances useful as pesticides that are resistant to wind and rain.
11. Surfactants and spreaders agents, leveling agents for pesticide on the leaf surface.
12. Inhibitors, agents to suppress the growth of stems and buds.
13. Stimulant plant, a substance that serves to strengthen and ensure the growth of the fruit.
